In the Surface Plasmon Polariton (SPP) model of LENR, heat driven dipole motion 
of electrons on the surface of micro particles produce a anapole magnetic pulse 
that in turn induces nuclear reconfiguration.

Good, again the velocity of the inducted vibration is the velocity of sound in 
the nucleus, 1,094,000 meters per second.

>From hyper physics:
The fact that the nuclear density seems to be independent of the details of 
neutron number or proton number implies that the force between the particles is 
essentially the same whether they are protons or neutrons. This correlates with 
other evidence that the strong force is the same between any pair of nucleons.

>From my book  Energy, Cold Fusion, and Antigravity:

Niels Bohr described the nucleus, in 1936, as a stiff,high density 
(2.3×1017kg/m3 ) drop ofliquid.  The field of nuclear physics wasdeveloped 
greatly from that time, however, the speed of sound in the nucleuswas never 
seriously considered.  As withall liquids, the nuclear fluid conveys sound at a 
speed based upon its densityand stiffness.  The density of thenucleus is known 
to be constant.  Thenuclear density is independent of the number of neutrons or 
the number ofprotons.  This implies that the forcebetween protons or neutrons 
is always the same. This consistency in mass and elasticity holds the speed of 
sound, withinthe nucleus, constant.  

When the speed of sound in the nucleus = the speed of light in the electronic 
vibration in the atom

the quantum transition progresses.  In a more general case the speed is that of 
a longitudinal matter wave.

Frank Znidarsic


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