Grimer sez:


> > I was forced to go to a catholic elementary school 
> > while living in Taiwan back in the early 60s. I can 
> > recall memories of unbelievable cruelty pertaining 
> > to what some of those penguins did to children under 
> > their care,
> Forced? Who forced you? Your parents presumably.
> Is that what this is all about. Perhaps your father
> was a General Jack D. Ripper character who wanted 
> to toughen his artistic little boy up a bit.
> Perhaps he ignored his pleas to be removed from the 
> clutches of those traditional nuns who were 
> subjecting him to "unbelievable cruelty."  
> I mean to say, if the nuns were pulling out your 
> finger nails, applying electric shocks to your 
> genitals and forcing you to watch as they danced 
> around a pentacle naked, then it was pretty remiss 
> of your parents not to remove you was it not - 
> and I can understand you resenting it. 
> But come on Steven, it wasn't that unbelievable, was it!
> After all, the sixties was before the evil of Vatican 2, 
> "the smoke of Satan" had permeated its way through the 
> Church.
> I too was sent to a convent school at the age of 6. 
> I didn't like it much and rather resented it when my 
> mother took away my sensitive elder brother (he cried a 
> lot) and left me there - so I sympathise with your 
> childhood experience.
> But to label it "unbelievable cruelty". Goodness me, 
> that is a bridge too far, isn't it Steven.
> And if it really was the "unbelievable cruelty" that you 
> claim, surely you have a civil duty to expose it, to tell 
> Vortexians all about it so that they don't make the 
> mistake of committing their precious charges to such 
> evil hypocritical mentors. 
> Of course to do so would out the "unbelievable cruelty"  
> of your parents, your own flesh and blood. 
> What child wants to face up to that?
> Frank

Yes, I would call it being forced. As a child what choice did I have but to 
accept what my parents felt was best for me and my education. You seem speak of 
physical torture. I'm speaking of the psychological damage I witnessed.

I could go on about some of the psychological cruelty I witnessed by the hands 
of those penguins, but I don't think that's getting to the real issue here.

Tell me Frank. Was it my comment about the expression and exploration of 
Eastern sexuality and how it appears to be far more advanced than our quaint 
western prudery. Is that what is really bothering you about me and why you 
appear to have felt compelled to denigrate my parental heritage?

Steven Vincent Johnson

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