See the story here, with a .pdf file and some e-mail:

Parkhomov acted like an ass. This is highly unprofessional. It is uncalled
for, and his actions served no purpose that I can see. This story is a
little confusing. Let me briefly describe what I think happened.

First, some vocabulary. I think what Parkhomov calls an "accumulator" is a
battery. What he calls a "paper recorder" I would call a chart recorder or
pen recorder.

Okay, apparently his computer-based temperature measurements can only be
done with the computer is running on battery, and the battery has to be
recharged periodically. So, he had to stop collecting data, and the red
temperature line has gaps in it.

The proper thing to do in a situation like this is to leave the gaps.
Alternatively, you fill them with dots, and you define the dots mean at the
bottom of the graph, like this:

[image: Inline image 1]

I have seen data with gaps and dotted lines from several researchers,
including Mike McKubre. See pages 3-39 and 3-42 here:

Quote: "The dashed line in Figure 3-17 interpolates a region where data
were not recorded for P16."

Instead of doing this, Parkhomov copied and pasted some other temperature
data from the red line to fill in the gaps. He also confirmed that the pen
recorder more or less agreed with the doctored version of the red line.

That's the dumbest thing I have heard in a long time!

- Jed

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