Thanks, Jed,


I live for this. ;-)


One of my life studies has been to look into alternate belief systems. For 
better or worse, we can’t live without them.


Within the UFO community there exist many theories (or beliefs) that mirror 
something similar to Mr. Alan’s pertaining to either the alleged hybridization 
or cross pollen-ization of the human race. Think of the popular sci-fi series 
Stargate and its many popular spin-offs, to get a good flavor of what this 
premise supports. In Mr. Alan’s case, he appears to have taken the belief quite 
personally. Poor fellow. I wonder if he may have been harassed with some form 
of OCD... The belief that someone is doing something to you or to your body 
combined with a tendency to hoard such as over a million dollars’ worth of 
collected firearms could possibly suggest such a condition was messing with 
him. Mix this condition up with a collection of well-intentioned enablers, and 
one ends up with not a very healthy combination.  Full disclosure: in all 
honesty I personally find aspects of the human-alien hybridization theory 
intriguing. Of course, it’s a great sci-fi premise. The concept was brought to 
life in a wonderful B+ movie, “Quatermass and the Pit”, or as it was 
re-released in the United States, “5 Million Years to Earth.” For a low-budget 
sci-fi thriller, I cannot recommend a better film to watch on the big flat 
screen surrounded with your best and nerdiest friends sharing a big bowl of hot 
buttered popcorn. For the amount of money spent on this type of genre you can’t 
lose. Entertaining, and thought provoking:


While many might scoff and ridicule the hybridization premise, it’s really not 
any more eccentric than believing in similar reality systems, like creationism, 
which is held dear by many members of our community. The fact that most 
creationists get along well within the community, hold decent paying jobs, 
raise healthy families, and pay taxes, holding onto such a belief does not 
appear to be destructive in itself. So, I keep trying to tell myself: live and 
let live. I believe the core premise of the belief system may best be 
exemplified at the following museum:


I sure hope I get a chance to visit the establishment. I’ve heard so much about 
it, including an “independent” report that will live in infamy out on the 
Internet. A bunch of fans chipped in and paid their favorite sci-fi author, 
John Scalzi, to take a trip to the museum and then write up a special report. 
You can read the review out in his blog, “whatever”.




And now, back to regularly scheduled programming.



Steven Vincent Johnson

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