On Thu, 2015-08-13 at 17:57 +0100, Ian Walker wrote:
> Hi all
> In all honesty we need to consider a post capitalism world.
> http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/video/2015/aug/12/paul-mason-capitalism-failing-time-to-panic-video?CMP=fb_us
There are only two types of economies that have been demonstrated in the
world: An economy which allows people to trade freely; and an economy
which commands all production and distribution. To date, no one has
demonstrated how the latter can replace the former. The narrator in the
video, above, equates capitalism with violence, but there is no causal
link between the two. Free trade does not lead to mass surveillance,
wars, and riot squads. He is, rather, equating a philosophy based on
violence with a philosophy based on free trade, where no such
relationship can be shown to exist.


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