I will never interact with Fred Zoephi.  I spoke at the Univ of Pitt.  I have 
had peer reviewed papers.  I don"t need Fred.   Someone wrote this review who 
actually purchased the book.  I feed better now.

Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
I fully agree with the other positive posts written here. This is a great book 
in my view and well worth reading if you are open and interested new ideas and 
points of view.

If everyone only looked at the world from established ideas and concepts we 
would still believe the earth was flat at the center of the universe everything 
was fundamentally only made of earth, air, water and fire. Some people like 
Frank Znidarsic look deeper and try to find new concepts and ideas. New ideas 
are always controversial, its the exploration that counts and it matters that 
people are thinking of them. I highly recommend this book to anyone who thinks 
and likes to explore new physics ideas and possibilities.

I think you will agree this book beautifully ties together an understanding of 
the atom both current and new. The theory, ideas and possibilities behind his 
new concept had me fascinated.


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