The latest Russian replication of Rossi appears to demonstrate a perfect 
example of a human controlled oscillator.  With a COP of greater than 2, the 
internal heat power generated within the core is capable of regeneration since 
it is a form of positive feedback.  In this particular case there is 1.7 times 
as much heat power(COP~2.7) being produced by the core than is needed in order 
to produce the output measured average power.

If the input power remains constant, the output can easily regenerate itself 
and allow the device to overheat which might lead to self destruction.   My 
previous work on positive thermal feedback models shows this mechanism as the 
indication that a negative resistance type of region exits for the device 
thermal characteristics.   A plot of input power versus core temperature 
contains a negative slope that does not permit stable operation within its 

If a negative feedback control signal is introduced to counter this tendency 
the device can be rescued from destruction.  In this case the scientist has the 
ability to adjust downwards the transformer voltage being applied to the 
heating coil.  He effectively removes input power that is greater than the 
amount of core increased power during a finite period of time causing a 
reversal to the direction of device heating.   My model indicates that when 
positive feedback is controlling a thermal feedback device the temperature can 
go in either direction at an accelerating rate.

So, once the input power has been sufficiently reduced to reverse the 
temperature movement of the core, the device will head in a negative 
temperature direction toward cut off.  This movement will continue until the 
negative resistance region is exited at the low temperature end or in this case 
to when the scientists decides it is time to increase the heater voltage and 
hence power.  For this reason the overall temperature plots appear to have a 
periodic, nearly sinusoidal shape.  The period of the oscillation is determined 
by the internal device time constants plus additional effects due to the 
adjustment routine used by the human operator.

I consider this oscillator behavior an excellent additional indication of proof 
that the Rossi effect is taking place during the experiment.  If a negative 
resistance region were not present then a fixed and nearly constant output 
power level would be obtainable for any constant input power applied to the 
heating coil.   We should celebrate since the proof of useful LENR is becoming 
more evident every day as new replications are revealed.


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