thanks, Adrian Ashfield -- now 73, with the education level of Scientific
American about most topics, I've keenly watched cold fusion since 1989 --
but Lucy always snatches the football away just as Charlie Brown almost
makes the decisive kick... I too, somewhat jaded, have some diffuse hopes,
as always, maybe a breakthrough in just a few more months...

!! Rich

On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 11:29 AM, a.ashfield <> wrote:

> Rich Murray,
> Global warming has been exaggerated. It has been warming about .5C per
> century since the Little Ice Age and satellite measurements show that
> global temperature has not risen for the last 18 years. It will rise
> briefly now as there is a strong El Nino. After that, no one knows, but as
> the sun is going to sleep, looking like another Maunder Minimum, some
> forecast it will get significantly colder. Of course CO2 causes warming but
> the debate is about how much. See Prof. Akasofu’s paper here:
> <>
> Note well Fig 2b.
> Even if the alarmists were right about CO2 it doesn't matter. The near
> future looks like it will be powered by LENR, aka cold fusion. Industrial
> Heat LLC has built a commercial 1 MW thermal LENR plant that has been
> running well at a customer's site for eight months. Part of a 350 day
> trial, the results of which are due Feb/Mar 2016.
> LENR provides very cheap, safe, pollution free energy, with no radiation
> and no waste products. Contrary to what you read in the press even
> Fleischmann and Pon's original 1989 experiment has been replicated. It
> required the Palladium to be more highly loaded with Deuterium than the
> early replicators did. Group-think conventional science and the DOE tried
> to commit infanticide of the field and should be held accountable. See
> <>
> for a basic introduction.

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