Another Steorn video pops up on Facebook, here's another transcript.


"some additional details of the Orbo power cell", Transcribed by Esa Juhani
Ruoho / /

OK so a lot of people are asking what's the difference between an Orbo
power cell and traditional batteries. Traditional batteries come in two
basic forms, what are known as primary batteries, or disposable batteries,
which, once you have drained the energy, they're disposable, you throw them
away - you should recycle them. Secondary batteries are the types of
batteries that you would see in things like your phone or in power-cubes
and so forth. Typically Lithium-Ion or Lithium-Polymer technology, and the
difference is once you've drained the energy in them, you can actually
re-charge them and replenish the energy.

What is common between primary and secondary batteries is that the energy
stored in them and they are empty storage devices - is stored as a
electro-chemical process. So, the output of these types of batteries in
terms of voltage is ultimately defined the inherent chemistry that it's

What is different about an Orbo power cell, and again, we showed a brief
example of building, hand-building a very simple cell is that, first of
all, it is not an electrochemical device, so there is no ion transfer,
there's no electrolyte and so forth. It is based on the electromagnetic
field. And the second and probably the most difficult to accept aspect of
it is that it is an energy-generating device rather than an energy-storage

What we showed in the clip building the tiny, hand-building the tiny little
cell, was a cell that had a voltage, an open-circuit voltage of VOC .3 .4
of a volt. One of the things that we said as we were building that is that
what makes it peculiar is that as you increase the surface area, the VOC
also increases.

So, what we have here is a hand-built version of the same, which is longer
and wound up a bit like a capacitor, and what we'll demonstrate is that the
VOC of this which is a simply, longer strips of the same materials, is at
about 2.5 volts, I think in this case, it's about 2.5, 2.6 volts. That
would be an unexpected result electrochemically, as in, you typically see
voltages of 3,7 volts in Lithium-Ion batteries, 1.2 and so forth, and
again, if we unwound this and cut this in half we would find that the
voltage itself reduced.

Probably the most interesting aspect to demonstrate that the Orbo power
cell is not a traditional battery is that if you short out a traditional
battery for an extended period of time, ultimately you drain all or
virtually all of the electrochemical energy that's stored in it. And so, if
you short it out and leave it for an extended period of time, remove the
short and then measure it, you'll find that the voltage is either
significantly below it's inherent voltage, or if it's left long enough, it
will be series. So, in order to demonstrate the fundamental difference
between an Orbo power cell and the traditional battery, what we're going to
do is short it out, and we're going to leave it shorted out approximately
30 minutes, and then demonstrate that the voltage in open-circuit
immediately bounces back to this 2.5 odd volts.

So, all that I'm doing here is shorting the positive and negative and as
you can see on the scope, as expected, we go to zero volts or very close to
zero volts, about a few milli-volts which is simply the offset of the
oscilloscope of itself, and we'll leave this running for 30 minutes.

(screen says: (Recorded over 36 minutes))

Ok, so we've had this Orbo power cell shorted out now for I think about 30
minutes. So, what I'm going to do is remove the short, simply pull the
wires apart, and what you'll notice is that we're immediately back to our
2.5 volt voltage level. What you would expect if this was an energy storage
device such as a capacitor, is obviously we would've drained the capacitor
at this stage, it's been 30 minutes in short circuit - or - if it was a
traditional electrochemical cell, we would see at least some drop-off in
voltage, but probably after 30 minutes, a very significant drop-off of

What we're really demonstrating here is that unlike a traditional battery,
what Orbo really is is an energy generation technology. In terms of what it
looks like in it's production format, is that we aim for each cell to
produce 2 and a half volts, and our standard Orbo power-cell is a 5 volt
device, so it is two of these, professionally manufactured and
encapsulated, that produce 5 volts, so it's two in series, so again, just
to demonstrate that, that if I take the product-sized version of this, what
you can see is a - just over a five-volt output. Again, 5 volt is chosen
because our primary target market for this is mobile consumer electronics.

In terms of how this type of Orbo power cell is put into a product, what we
do is we will place as many of these as necessary to give a certain power
output, and we use these devices then to trickle charge a standard
lithium-ion battery. Lithium-ion battery will then provide the direct power
to the device that we're powering, so in the case of the O-Cube, behind the
USB-electronics is a Lithium-Ion battery, and trickle-charging the
lithium-ion battery is the sequence of the Orbo power cells.

The Ophone is identical, in that in the case of the phone we have built in
a number of the Orbo power cells. Those power cells continuously charge
Lithium-ion battery. (Whilst) the Lithium-Ion battery then actually powers
the phone directly.

Transcribed by Esa Juhani Ruoho / /

On 9 December 2015 at 20:39, Bob Higgins <> wrote:

> This motor is certainly not a perpetual motion machine, but it is an
> electrostatic motor.  It bears a striking resemblance to a Wimshurst
> generator, which could be used as a motor, and also to Jefimenko's
> electrostatic motors.  Electrostatic motors are real - the original
> demonstration may not have been faked.  The Earth's electric field varies
> from 500V/m to >50kV/m and this can be harvested to do work as Jefimenko
> showed with his motors (I have an electronic copy of his book somewhere).
> So, this device does have vertical extent and will have an environmental
> electrostatic field across it.  If made with sufficiently low rolling
> resistance, this field may be enough to power the motor.
> Bob Higgins
> On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 11:06 PM, William Beaty <> wrote:
>> Also, here's a cool one below, dunno if it's been discussed:
>>   Waller motor, electrostatic PM hoax?
>> It might genuinely operate as shown, if the plastic disk had first been
>> "charged" by rubbing with fur.  If true, sell it as a toy!
>> Or, if fur-rubbing can't provide sufficient energy to spin the wheel,
>> instead use dielectric absorption, "capacitor soakage" with a 20KVDC supply
>> and wetted metal electrodes (or conductive rubber, for intimate surface
>> contact with surfaces of the plastic disk.)  Deeply charge up the plastic
>> disk, then add the foil rectangles later.  The "de-sorption" of charge from
>> the plastic should re-charge the foil slowly, and run the motor perhaps for
>> many minutes, perhaps hours.
>> The wood in the video would serve as a conductor, so those who build a
>> plastic model would fail.   Replications:
>>  w/6KV supply
>>  Fake, w/#40ga connecting wires
>>  w/VDG
>> Available again are high-volt negative-ionizer blocks, $4 power supplies,
>> 6K to 8K VDC, on eBay,       search eBay: anion 12v
>> I found that these work fine if powered by two 9V batt connected as 18V,
>> and only draw excess current at input of 20V and above.  Crank the supply
>> down to zero, and the KV output decreases roughly in proportion.  Build a
>> many-KV variable bench supply for electrostatics.  Output below 10uA.   I
>> haven't tried buying ten for series connection, and rigging up a 100KV
>> supply powered by independent floating batteries.
>>>> (((((((((((((((( ( (  (   (    (O)    )   )  ) ) ))))))))))))))))
>>>> William J. Beaty  
>>>> beaty, chem washington edu  Research Engineer
>>>> billb, amasci com           UW Chem Dept,  Bagley Hall RM74
>>>> x3-6195                     Box 351700, Seattle, WA 98195-1700

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