I thought this machine was oriented in a specific direction so as to
subtract energy from the rotation of the Earth.

On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 3:07 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> *From:* John Berry
> If it works..
> And that's a big IF, I do suspect it is possible to get energy out of
> asymmetric inertial transformation.
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Yes, the one explanation which has a chance… “IF” the RAR works, is asymmetric
> inertia – most likely using the so-called “Casimatter,” configured as the
> weights. If it works, RAR will not let anyone get near those weights-
> which are disguised as solid metal blocks to hide what is inside.
> The Principle of Equivalence - inertial mass is always equal to the
> gravitational mass– would presumably not apply to Casimatter. The 800
> pound block used as the main weight for the gravitational down-stroke would
> effectively have something like 795 pounds of inertial resistance on the
> upstroke, for instance. This why you have to super-size it. Everything
> else, including the numerous design changes they have gone through, would
> be smoke-and-mirrors designed to confuse copycats.
> About 5 years ago, Nick Reiter experimented with zeolites contain various
> metal ions – looking for the elusive Casimatter. AFAIK, he never was sure
> that he had found it unless it was with the aluminum chloride zeolite. But
> he was not telling everything… Come to think of it, there were some
> Brazilians on that forum who showed a keen interest in the experiments J

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