There is a relationship between the speed of a particle and its mass. When
a particle moves at the speed of light, it is massless: I.E. the dirac
electron. When a photon is slowed below the speed of light, it acquires
mass. These heavy electrons must be slowed down.

On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 12:32 PM, CB Sites <> wrote:

> There is an interesting article at
> The question it sparks in my mind is, if heavy fermions act as if they
> have a large mass electrons, could they behave similar to Muon's and cause
> fusion of the host material is deuterated?
> I recall one paper that discussed the effective mass of electrons in metal
> potentially altering the electron screening potential.   Could large
> effective mass of heavy fermions improve the expected fusion rates for
> deuterated metals?
> It could be fun to work out.

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