The results from Lugano are not useful in reverse engineering the LENR
reaction at the initial rudimentary stage of analysis that MFMP is now. On
the contrary, those Lugano results have led Rossi to a very advanced
understanding of the LENR reaction. Rossi said that the Lugano results
inspired him to create the design of the E Cat X. IMHO, that XCat insight
goes beyond the NI62 question and more into the LENR reaction in the vapor

The purpose of fuel preprocessing is to make the nickel particles porous
through sintering and able to produce hydrogen nanocrystals. In Lugano, the
nickel melted and lost the ability to produce the LENR active effect using
it porosity. The melting of nickel during the Lugano test took away
nickel's role in the LENR reaction.

The melted nickel became passive and its ability to flow in the liquid
state allowed the mixing of the nickel to completely transmute into the
Ni62 isotope. After the nickel converted to Ni62 as a side reaction off the
main LENR reaction, the Ni62 stopped participating in the LENR reaction as
a dead end. It is a dead end because no Ni64 was found.

The active LENR agents in Lugano were in place after nickel melted. In
other words, nickel played a role in initiating the LENR reaction but after
a time became inactive when it melted. The core of the Lugano reactor has
all the metallized hydrogen required to keep the LENR reaction going.

Rossi used this observation to setup the XCat to operate at a temperature
greater than the melting point of nickel(over 1500C).

The active agent in the LENR reaction at those high temperatures is
metalized hydrogen. Once that form of hydrogen forms, it takes over the
LENR reaction from the melted nickel particles.

Think of the LENR reaction like a multistage rocket where each stage is
discarded after its function has completed.

Rossi has gone beyond Piantelli on the design of the XCat. It is bad
analysis technique and therefore confusing to mix the XCat design with
Piantilli design thinking.

​When Bob G says heavy, he means the most nuclear binding energy per
nucleon. Ni62 has the most nuclear binding energy per nucleon of any
element, In that sense, Ni62 is the heaviest element.

It could be that this nuclear binding energy is the quantity that must come
into a state of equilibrium by way of the LENR reaction among all the
elements that the LENR reaction effects as covered by the nuclear

If a Bose condensate is formed among all the nuclear components inside the
reactor, then all those components may want to become energetically equal
through a multi-particle entanglement process in terms of nuclear binding

As nuclear energy is removed from the condensate through the action of
black thermal radiation from the metalized hydrogen, total binding energy
in the condensate goes up.

Small nuclei that are larger than hydrogen can combine into bigger ones and
release energy. By releasing energy, they increase their nuclear binding
energy. But in combining such nuclei, the amount of energy released is much
smaller compared to hydrogen fusion. The reason is that while the overall
process releases energy from letting the nuclear attraction do its work,
bose condensation energy must rebalance nuclear forces between all the
elements in the process of condensation.

Nuclear energy is removed from the nickel nucleus until the nuclear binding
energy is maximized.

The nuclear energy is removed from all the elements under the influence of
the bose condensate and moved to the metalized hydrogen EMF surface field
which continually leaks energy away as hawking radiation in the thermal

The most enhancement of the LENR reaction might be to use pure Ni58 which
has the most energy to give over to the LENR process before the Ni62 ash
product is reached.

It might also be that when nickel is a liquid, its flow allows more nickel
to be converted to Ni62 than if it were a solid.

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