Does anyone have a good email contact for Stubbs?  The one listed in the Stubbs 
pdf paper does not go through.

Bob Cook

Sent from Windows Mail

From: Bob Cook
Sent: ‎Saturday‎, ‎March‎ ‎5‎, ‎2016 ‎10‎:‎58‎ ‎AM


The Stubbs’s theory sounds a lot like the theory of Philippe Hatt presented at 
the ICCF-19 conference.   Hatt’s theory predicts the physical parameters of the 
proton, neutron quite accurately compared to anything else I know of .    
Stubbs and Hatt should get together. 

Bob Cook

Sent from Windows Mail

Sent: ‎Friday‎, ‎March‎ ‎4‎, ‎2016 ‎10‎:‎32‎ ‎AM

Holy Muon Batman this is one staggering paper…


From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Friday, March 4, 2016 10:08 AM
Subject: [Vo]:RE: High Harmoinc Generation in the glow-tube reactor


If the plot of the radiation spectrum from a glow-tube reactor encased in lead- 
turns out to be typical of bremsstrahlung of high speed electrons, instead of 
gamma radiation, the following is presented as an interpretation.

“An Alternative to the Quark-Gluon Structure of the Proton” by William L. 
Stubbs – which can explain, or partially explain, Holmlid’s mysterious muon 

Stubbs presents a new model of the proton by reanalyzing the SLAC proton and 
deuteron F2 curves. He shows that the proton can be modeled accurately as nine 
muons. [IMO - since this is quantum mechanical, there could be two valid views 
both of which are correct, depending on circumstances]. 

Stubbs concludes that the deep inelastic scattering data supports a simpler 
model of the proton than the standard quark-gluon model, at least for 
explaining certain phenomena of proton disintegration. To counter one 
objection: it is well known that muons and antimuons are completely stable 
together below a threshold of acceleration, just like the quark and antiquark 
coexist in every nucleus of matter. Antimuons operate to provide the same 
functionality as gluons. Holmlid’s detection of high levels of muons some 
distance from his reactor may provide experimental evidence of such a situation.

BTW in muon decay, the electron is extremely fast and expected to have a steep 
peak at 52 MeV which would provide massive bremsstrahlung in a lead target, 
even (especially) in the situation of little or no excess heat seen in the 
reactor itself. 

… The important part of the Hagelstein slides is for assessing what could be 
happening in the glow-tube reactor, IF high energy radiation is seen in the 
range of 2.7 MeV... this is an apparent target “signature” to look for, at 
least when deuterium is the fuel (it would be a much different signature for 
protium). If this signature should show itself in glow tube testing, it would 
be a huge advancement in understanding… even if the counts are low (they are 
expected to be low).

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