something about 
the use of a gel to form a uniform powder in most reactive form might be 
applicable to LENR triad as well?

From: Jones Beene []
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2016 10:07 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:The LENR triad and zinc volatility

Three transition metal elements have an inter-connection and cross-identity to 
a mass of 64 a.m.u. - and to anomalous energy. One of them is volatile.

The LENR triad consists of nickel, zinc and copper. All three can arguably be 
connected to energy release in the LENR reactions which are labeled as 
nickel-hydrogen. In the past, theorists like Focardi had suggested that a 
fusion reaction converted nickel and protons into copper. Fusion with hydrogen 
is thousands of times less likely than nuclear decay, due to the Coulomb 
barrier; especially if beta decay can be accelerated by electrostatic changes.

Recently 64Zn has entered the picture, having seldom being mentioned before 
Parkhomov's Sochi results. The isotope is slightly radioactive but is 
considered "observationally stable" since its half-life is greater than 10^15 
years, but it does have a slight propensity to beta decay by positron emission 
to 64Cu, the swing element.

No one knows the role 64Zn can play, and that is why this post is rather 
tentative. Had Parkhomov seen radiation, a clearer picture could be framed. 
OTOH - the MFMP experiments where radiation is seen, have negligible excess 
heat. The jury is still out.

Moreover, there is a mundane explanation for the apparent disappearance of what 
could be 64Zn (which is labeled as 64Ni on pages 14 and 15 in the Sochi 
translation) - which is not related to a nuclear reaction. Zinc has a boiling 
point of 907 °C, so that an alloy of nickel and zinc which had a combined 4.4% 
enrichment of mass-64 at the start of an experiment could lose 2% of the zinc 
to simple evaporation. This is part of Eric's concern about measurement errors.

Plus, can we assume that the zinc vapor condenses elsewhere?It would also be 
possible if not likely that the zinc would "sweat" from the alloy and 
recondense on the surface of nickel particles, thereby increasing the 
percentage over the starting level. In practice, this is what happens with 
zinc. The actual mechanism could be learned by testing the interior wall of the 
reactor for condensate.

If there is a nuclear decay reaction responsible for the thermal anomaly, then 
64Cu is the "swing element" in the triad - and has a half-life of about 12 
hours. It can beta decay by positron emission to 64Ni, or more often by 
negative beta decay to 64Zn, but mostly by electron capture to 64Ni. There is 
little residual radioactivity. The positron emission should be detected. Since 
there is no evidence of that well-known signature - doubt is cast on the 
mechanism being nuclear.

One further mechanism involves dense hydrogen. If there is zinc in a nickel 
alloy particle which sweats out, its absence leaves sub-nano porosity which 
would allow deep penetration by hydrogen molecules to cavities where they could 
densify as Cooper pairs. The possibilities for making dense hydrogen in situ 
are enhanced and this allows several other pathways for gain, including 

Holmlid has suggested (by implication, since he really did not detail it per 
se) that a cycle of densification followed by expansion can release several 
hundred eV of energy on each pass and this can happen at a high sequential 
rate. That would be "supra-chemical" energy which is only possible so long as 
the net gain comes from "outside the system" ... which invokes the zero point 

Given the totality of evidence, and the fact that small gain from nuclear decay 
or nuclear fusion could happen as a side-effect, it is likely that the bulk of 
excess heat is not coming from any type of nuclear reaction but from some other 

New physics galore.

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