You could just as well argue that attacking Rossi without evidence is naive.

Andrea Rossi April 11
"I have enough money to spend to start the mass production, the rest must arrive from the products sale. I want not to sell paper, I want to sell products. I am an industrialist, not a yuppy or an opera ballet etoile.
Alessandro Toninelli"

April 11, 2016 at 4:21 AM

Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
since we have to expect discredit on the ecat ( that has already started) and the ‘powers that be’ will try to delay the mass production, I ask:

– When will Leonardo corp. be ready to receive orders ( i mean for the already tested 1MW power plant) and deliver in a few weeks?

– Is Leonardo corp already organized in this sense and ready or when it will be?

I think it is of great importance since from then all the discredits wil be of no importance.

Thank you and best regards,

Alessandro –
Andrea Rossi
April 11, 2016 at 7:46 AM

Alessandro Toninelli:
1- now
2- yes
3- you are totally right
Warm Regards,

In passing...
The Securities and Exchange Commission Issued Administrative Ruling Against Cherokee Investment Partners

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