What often happens is that the first report is more in the nature of a draft, so that the parties that paid for it can alter bits they don't like and correct errors. The ERV will want to sign the final draft to ensure it says only what he agrees with. So there are likely three parties.

Say you talked to the parties is very unhelpful. To whom did you talk and what did they say?

   "AA. From long before the end of the 1 MW plant test Rossi said that
   public release of the ERV report required agreement of all three

There are only two parties as far as I know: Rossi and I. H. Penon is so-called expert but I do not think he has a veto.

   What makes you think you know better?

I have discussed this with the parties.

      Do you have any facts to back up your opinion?

That's what they say.

- Jed"

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