One of the key concepts that make LENR go is dualism. Einstein first came
up with the concept of dualism when he worked on the theory of special
relativity. The Einstein March 1905 paper treated light as particles, but
special relativity sees light as a continuous field of waves. Such a
contradiction took a supremely confident mind to propose. Einstein, age 26,
saw light as both waves and particles, picking the attribute he needed to
confront each problem in turn. One thing behaved in two ways. Einstein
wasn't finished yet. Later in 1905 came an extension of special relativity
in which Einstein proved that energy and matter are linked in the most
famous relationship in physics: E=mc2. (The energy content of a body is
equal to the mass of the body times the speed of light squared). Here, mass
and energy is the same thing, they are dual.

Then In 1907, Einstein confronted the problem of gravitation. Einstein
began his work with one crucial insight: gravity and acceleration are
equivalent, two facets of the same phenomenon. Two things can be treated
identically. They share a duality.

There is a new duality that is emerging that is central to LENR. It seems
the superconductivity and black holes behave in the same way and can be
described by the same mathematics and demonstrate the same behavior.

Superconductivity is critical in the characterization of LENR. It provides
some of the miracles that LENR demonstrates. This is due to the dualism
that superconductivity shares with black holes. A superconductive Bose
condensate is an effective black hole. The BEC acts like a black hole.

To justify this concept, I offer these two papers from the top man in black
hole theory: Gary Horowitz. Prof Horowitz explains in some detail how
superconductor/black hole dualism works.
Recent Developments in Holographic Superconductors
Using general relativity to study superconductivity

BEC/Black hole dualism is a solid and universally accepted concept in
science and has been demonstrated experimentally.

Horowitz shows in the GR presentation how general relativity theory and
associated math can be used in superconductivity and therefore LENR to show
how LENR works.

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