Regarding Harry’s recently expressed concern about heating the planet with to 
much LENR and thereby contributing to global warming, the subject device 
suggests the possibility of harvesting EMR from the atmosphere and 
concentrating it in high energy EMR for disposal in space, may be just around 
the corner.   Micro waves may be better than gammas in this regard to get 
through the atmosphere and increase the efficiency of the disposal process.  
Beaming micro waves may be a little safer also—birds would only heat up a 
little, if they flew through a beam.  Birds must be used to such heating 
already with the extensive use of micro wave beams. : )
Bob Cook

From: Jack Cole 
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2016 3:56 PM
Subject: [Vo]:Article: Glowing nanomaterial to drive new generation of solar 

Implications for LENR?

Glowing nanomaterial to drive new generation of solar cells: Physicists have 
discovered radical new properties in a nanomaterial which opens new 
possibilities for highly efficient thermophotovoltaic cells, which could one 
day harvest heat in the dark and turn it into electricity

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