
"On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 9:44 PM, a.ashfield wrote:

   You do seem to rely on people who may be like Tom Clarke.  Very
   bright is many ways but closed minded.  He has stated that LENR is
   impossible and any excess heat must be measurement error.  If you
   start out thinking that way, guess what you will get.

Despite impressions to the contrary on the part of some on LENR Forum, Tom Clarke is LENR hobbyists' best friend. He is engaged and willing to look at good experiments. He is obsessive and will try to find any error. He is polite, and for the most part sticks to technical arguments. If he can be painted into a corner such that he makes even a small concession, the evidence under review will be ready to show to a wider audience."

The fact remains he is wrong. There are numerous cases where LENR has been proved. Pons & Fleischmann produced excess heat in the famous 1989 experiment let alone later. The diehards won't accept that.

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