According to my table

UV is only considered to be wavelengths between 10nm
and 400nm, and IR is wavelengths from 750nm to 1mm

So, your table does not include x- and gamma- rays,
nor the RF frequencies.

--- Horace Heffner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Jan 16, 2006, at 6:16 AM, Merlyn wrote:
> > Doesn't have to total to 100%
> > IR, Visible, and UV do not cover the entire EM
> > spectrum, the sun puts out energy over a very
> broad
> > range of frequencies.
> >>
> Sure it does.  Look at the table again.
> >> Percent solar constant at aircraft altitude:
> >>
> >> Lambda (nm)      Cum %      %      Range
> >>
> >>    0 - 400       8.725     8.725   UV
> >> 400 - 700      46.879    38.154   Visible
> >> 700 - 100000   99.999    53.120   IR
> >>
> >> Derived from page 18-10 of the 74th Edition of
> The
> >> CRC Handbook.
> >>
> >> Horace Heffner

Magickal Engineer and Technical Metaphysicist

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