
I have experience of ~90 glass melting furnaces ranging from 4 - 450 T/day.The electrically heated ones were quite cool because the superstructure is not hot.The gas fired ones use ~4 million BTU per ton so a 250 t/day melter would use the equivalent of 12208 KW.The glass is heated to ~1500C, a very different story to Rossi's 110C, yet people worked all around them in the same building. I would expect you could put your hand on an electric water heater like the 350 KW one Stephen Cooke linked earlier, or on a 250 KW E-Cat.So, if you quoted him correctly, the HVAC engineer with whom you consulted got it wrong.

Rossi stated he used the four 250 KW E-Cats the whole time.You can see a picture of Rossi with a stethoscope on one of them on his web page of photos.The other small units were on standby and never used

If I recall the main breaker supplying the building was nowhere big enough to provide 1 MW so it would have been impossible to get the claimed output with a COP of 1.

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