This theory appears to contradict to basic facts, I wonder authors did found a 
phenomenon or application to leading it. Even this theory fits well to a 
phenomenon hard to explain it would be very useful.
For example in my past self resonant coil experiments very efficient energy 
transfer between two air coils at a distance does not fit to magnetic coupling 
working for transformers, nor to standard electromagnetic wave transmission 
despite of presence of substantial electric and magnetic fields. These fields 
are now known   as evanescent waves. May the coupling through evanescent waves 
have a similarity with the handshake described on this paper. 
OTH, I think self resonant coils (Tesla coils) could not be substituted by a LC 
tank. Coils can resonate in multiple frequencies at the same time and may cause 
some odd effects depending to waveshape and to geometry.
BTW, Imrecons appears specialized in computer tomography.

The principle of the mutual energy
Shuang-ren Zhao, Kevin Yang, Kang Yang, Xingang Yang and Xintie Yang∗ 
Imrecons Inc

Many scientist do not agree the probability explanation of quantum mechanics. 
Einstein has said the God do not play dice. Advanced potential solution of 
Maxwell equations are not accept by most scientist. The reason of that is in 
the engineering it seems without advanced potential, everything still fine. We 
have proven if without advanced potential, it is not possible to satisfy the 
equations. We also shown that it is not the Poynting vector related energy 
current transferring energy in the space and it is the mutual energy really did 
that. A important result of the mutual energy theorem is that the advanced 
potential can suck energy from the transmitter. This sucked energy is equal to 
the energy received at the receiver. Hence a transmitter can not send any 
energy out without the receiver. The energy is transferred by the retarded 
potential together with an advanced potential. If the sucked energy is 
discrete, the summation of mutual energy current of the infinite background 
atoms or currents (which can be seen as receivers) is a random process. This 
means that the photon energy sent by the transmitter is actually grabbed by the 
receiver. Hence the photon from very beginning knows their destination which is 
the receiver applying the advanced potential to the transmitter. This receiver 
send advanced potential to the transmitter. This explanatio
 n also avoided the wave function collapse. We obtain the result the 
electromagnetic wave and photon are two concepts. Wave is the retarded 
potential and advanced potential and photon is a handshake process between 
receive and transmitter. The retarded potential first reached the receiver, 
cause the current in the receiver, the current of receiver send a advanced 
potential to the transmitter with a reversed time, in the same time, a photon 
minus-time-instantly runs from receiver to transmitter. In our normal feeling, 
the photon is still runs from the transmitter to the receiver with a positive 
time. Hence there is no any causality violation. The reason of light speed is 
also discussed.

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