Jed, what did the IH guys present during the actual test period say about the 
meter readings?  They appear to be a party to the deception unless they can 
verify that the readings were not reasonable during their watch.

Both groups should have something to say about the daily readings during their 
presence.  If they fail to mention this then pox on them all.





-----Original Message-----
From: Jed Rothwell <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Tue, Aug 9, 2016 9:57 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Problems with Rossi's flow meter described in court document

Stephen A. Lawrence <> wrote:

    I'm not convinced the meter readings were totally faked, or even    
necessarily faked at all.

Then explain how they could be exactly 36,000 per day for weeks. As I pointed 
out, the flow rate would have to be exactly the same to 1 second per day for 
this to happen.

This is simply not possible.

If Penon had said "these are approximate values" in response to Exhibit 5, that 
would be reasonable. Sloppy, but reasonable. No response at all is tantamount 
to admitting it is fake data.

- Jed

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