
I bought the Kindle version but have not finished it yet, and am pleasantly
surprised (but at the same time mildly disappointed). Initial impression:
the author Brett Holverstott is an architect and a decent writer with a good
grasp of the science. The main downside is that he appears to be a strong
proponent of Mills, who cannot bring himself to ask the hard questions or
interview the critics (or consider the possibility of scam). But the
preliminary verdict is that this is an enjoyable read, almost a "must read"
for vorticians, despite the lack of balance. This dovetails nicely into
Rossigate, in more ways than one.

Therefore, I would especially recommend this to all the die-hard Rossi
apostles who will be looking for a new messiah soon. Although Mills could
turn out to be only a more sophisticated version of Andrea Rossi - he has
had more practice at it, enjoys a much higher skill set and has found
competent associates - so there is a decent chance that Mills could finally
pull this off ("this" being the holy grail of alternative energy).

A more alarming rumor, possibly coincidental - is that Mills is preparing
some kind of gigantic investment offer (billion buckaroos) but without
having scientifically valid proof that his new device even works, or is
ready for prime time. 

Given that most physicists in academia absolutely reject the notion that
Mills has demonstrated any kind of valid anomaly so far, it would be almost
immoral (given the history of failures) - not to allow independent testing
ahead of a massive new round of investment. Mills' track record over the
years is shoddy at best, and this ebook is negligent in not covering the
failures and false promises in greater detail. Like all those gigawatts from
licensees in New Mexico etc, etc.

The author states he received no compensation from Mills, but still this
lack of balance in the coverage raises a few eyebrows.

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