That's interesting, Pam Boss and her colleagues has done a great work for
LSNR- just in time for the coming (or already here) DoD Report for the
It is perfectly possible she is even more upset wit Rossi then you, but
perhaps she could tell it. Was she on the list of people to which
Industrial Heat has complained early?

You and Renzzie are the real prisoners of the Rossi Planet, hatred driven
trying to demonstrate he is evel- the person. Real Riossi siupporters are
focused on EC ats, excess heat, QuarkX, explanation, lack of radiation.
whatever technical, scientific, managerial and now- legal issues.
Are you happy with the proofs IH offers for no excess heat?
Why is IH not publishing the ERV Report, if that could solve anything?
Why are IH's e-supporters such clumsy bulllies?

On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 12:09 AM, Jed Rothwell <>

> Stephen A. Lawrence <> wrote:
> And that's just a start.  Once you start looking, there's *lots* of
>> information on the Internet about the mind control towers and how they
>> cause people to hear voices in their heads.
>> And now we find out our very own Peter Gluck has been targeted by the
>> mind control people.  This is so sad.
> It is deplorable. As Mr. Quayle said, a mind is a terrible thing to lose.
> Perhaps I should not beat a dead horse but . . .
> Peter Gluck <> wrote:
>>> As regarding Jed, when he was a Cold Fusion supporter he fought for
>>> thinking differently.
>>> Now when he is also a Rossi opponent . . .
>> Many people who support cold fusion also oppose Rossi.
> I think Pam Boss is even more upset with Rossi than I am. So according to
> Peter Gluck, Pam and many other researchers no longer support cold fusion.
> Such a shame! She contributed so much, but alas she has been cast out by
> The Faithful. The *sine qua non* of support for cold fusion has become
> "support for Rossi." That according to Gluck and other hostages on Planet
> Rossi.
> - Jed

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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