Because (the first signal from ph 1) in the phase rotation has less of a 
retrograde influence from the combined actions of mutual inductance in the 
secondaries themselves:it appears to have less of a dip from the rotating time 
vector. The second signal from phase 2 has a more pronounced dip from the 
combined rotating time vectors. What this shows by solitary voltage meter 
measurements of each phase acting alone in time is that the second phase will 
loose vibration at the cost of a much greater induced vibration to be shown on 
its predecessor vibration in time; in summo UNEQUAL ACTION/REACTION forces 
shown with magnetic forces in phase rotation timings. The conceptual problem 
shown with correspondingly shorter and longer interaction times between two 
missiles fired at each other with ships maintaining the same separation 
distance traveling in a circle is shown at missile
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 Taken from commentary at 666 Machine Secondaries showing influence of rotating 
time vectorDual Channel Scoping of 666 Machine Secondaries showing influence of 
rotating time vector

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Dual Channel Scoping of 666 Machine Secondaries showing influence of rotati...
 Due to the higher voltages received by the secondaries this demonstration is 
made with the alternator rotating w...  |   |



__._,_._____._,_.___Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal Resonances

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