Spark generator from charged particles.

Muons do the same job as neutrons but better through they are very hard to

On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 3:21 PM, Russ George <> wrote:

> Few rad detectors show neutrons, mostly they are quite large, the flux
> might be very low hence the need for a time integrating detector, pretty
> much the only available is a bubble detector, they are very inexpensive and
> idiot proof to read, one needs a pair of them one in the inside shirt
> pocket, they are the size of a fountain pen,  one left outside the room,
> just count the bubbles, if more inside there are neutrons afoot.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jones Beene []
> Sent: Monday, December 19, 2016 11:05 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:The other "heavy water"
> Well, that is a bit too obvious.
> There is little doubt that by now someone has hidden and used a radiation
> detector of some kind during a demo, given the circumstances.
> Mills realized this possibility from day one - and has taken precautions
> The possible conclusions include:
> 1) The reaction produces almost no neutrons, even secondary neutrons, even
> when natural deuterium is in the water. This is the preferred scenario from
> Mills perspective.
> 2) Water is used in the demo which is depleted in deuterium thus no
> neutrons are seen
> 3) Neutron shielding has been used but is not mentioned by Mills... and it
> has worked
> 4) The party detecting the radiation has kept quiet about it.
> Russ George wrote:
> > Easily testable, just have someone attending a Mills demo carry an
> integrating neutron detector such as a bubble detector.

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