It is a doubtful verging on histrionic notion that cold fusion ‘muons’ will be 
an issue, the observational evidence by those with data clearly does not 
support such hypothesized fears. Clearly the emission/numbers properties of 
cold fusion are both very much less than conventional physics might suggest and 
further the emissions are at the very least ‘strange’ and not at all typical 
muons, rather being mysterious mischugenons.


From: Axil Axil [] 
Sent: Sunday, January 1, 2017 5:17 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:RE: Gaslighting


Perfection can only be realized in heaven, there is always a fly in the 
ointment. IMHO, LENR produces muons. A few muons does not hurt anything. A few 
muons is like a flight across the country in a high flying jet, One cross 
country air trip is not impactful, nothing to think about, but if you spend 
much of your time in the clouds, you might get yourself into trouble.


When LENR really gets going full blast and gigawatts are generated in cars, 
trains, planes, boats, houses, everywhere in everything, the muon loading will 
get into the terawatt levels. Muons flowing down the streets will be so thick, 
you can cut them with a knife. And muons are a bitch to shield against. 


LENR might need to be confined inside a leakproof  magnetic bottle inside huge 
ITER like reactors to protect the environment from ubiquitous muons. Like CO2, 
muons will need to be sequestered. Moderation in all things except energy 
production. If moderation is not in the plans, then shielding is a must.




On Sun, Jan 1, 2017 at 7:02 PM, Russ George < 
<> > wrote:

New Year for clean new energy will surprise you. Decades of old fossil 
'gaslighting' goes dark in a brilliant 'cold fusion' flash as reported on CNN!


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