
This "valid customer" detail should come out during deposition.

I suspect the IH Attorney will be relentless with tough questions, and for once, Rossi will be cautioned not to throw a tantrum and walk out. (he could do so nevertheless).

The most unfortunate possibility of all - which is seldom mentioned but actually of relatively high probability, is that Rossi has a system which gives excess heat, but less than needed to get the big payout.

I would love to see a rock solid 2:1 ratio of output to input but the data is probably too compromised for even that lower expectation - as Rossi would be the last to want this.

Giovanni Santostasi wrote:
Not just a customer, but a valid, legit, independent customer, not a Rossi's agent.


Jones Beenewrote:

    To cut to the chase ... Rossi's claim for supplying a massive
    amount of steam to a customer in an adjoining space (which no one
    from IH was allowed to visit) could be  instantly validated if
    there was indeed a real customer using the steam.

    If there was no customer, and the steam was not being used for a
    real manufacturing process, then we have fraud - no matter how
    much reputed steam was being supplied.

    This is the issue of fact to be determined by a jury, or by the
    judge if Rossi cannot present a prima facie case that there really
    was a real customer using steam to manufacture a product. It's
    really pretty simple, no?

    Was there a customer using the steam or not?

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