In nuclear fission, the active particle which propagates the reaction is of course the neutron. The identity crisis that we have dealt with in LENR from the start becomes evident when we try to single out the active particle or pseudo-particle, which is the most basic agent that propagates and continues the reaction (in a situation such as "heat-after-death" or the thermal runaway).

If nuclear fusion was indeed the source of energy of a runaway or meltdown reaction (and close to a dozen have been reported) then we should be able to identify an anomalous agent of some kind, but it is not gamma radiation or neutrons, so we look for something completely new. Beta particles (fast electrons) and alpha particle can also be ruled out due to proportionate lack of secondary radiation (bremsstrahlung). Yes, there appears to be a tiny amount of all, or any, of the above in LENR at various times, but not coming close to accounting for the emergent thermal gain of a runaway. This is gain far above chemical and far below nuclear, which can cause a large amount of stainless steel to melt, as happened at Thermacore but with no residual radiation.

Thus the choices for the active agent in LENR are narrowed primarily to the phonon, for those who follow some version of the Hagelstein theory, or to EUV photons for those who follow Mills, or both. Holmlid has not had a runaway so we can possibly eliminate the more exotic candidates. Obviously, one parameter which distinguishes the runaway reaction is strong Infrared light, also seen in Parkhomov "glow tube" and replications.

This brings up the field of optomechanics and more specifically "cavity optomechanics" which studies the interaction between light and mechanical movement. This also brings up the suggestion that with resonance and coherence, both the photon and phonon can be merged together into a hybrid or pseudo-particle. The "SPP" or surface plasmon polariton has been a candidate for LENR active modality - which has been talked about the most, but the SPP does NOT fit the circumstances precisely. Actually it is a poor fit.

The plasmon, a quantum of plasma oscillation, does not really fit in the circumstance of a condensed lattice reaction since there is technically no plasma. The polariton does model strong coupling of electromagnetic waves with an electric dipole, which can be present in the runaway but "surface" does not model the a lattice effect. Thus SPP is one out of three accuracy.

Moreover, phonons need to be included since mechanical vibration is more fundamental to LENR than optics. Perhaps LENR needs its own specific pseudo-particle, which vaguely resembles the SPP but only when combined with the phonon and eliminating the "surface" feature.

Can we label this pseudo-particle as the PPP (phonon-plasmon-polariton) instead of SPP?

As fate would have it, something like this PPP pseudo-particle has been proposed, if not witnessed by generation of single phonons at gigahertz frequencies in optoelectronics, where the single phonon has been triggered by single photons in the near infrared. See:

It would be intriguing to imagine that a pseudo-particle found in an unrelated field has broader applicability and can function as the active mediator in LENR ... either real or as metaphor.

As a real particle, we can probably model "dense hydrogen" as having all the properties of a real PPP - functioning as a hybrid of all three constituents: phonon, plasmon and polariton, reduced to the quantized state.

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