Jed,   You are backing yourself into an extremist position with your latest
comments.  I don't believe that you or anyone else has enough data to
*prove* that there was 0 excess heat in Rossi's attempt at a contrived
"GPT".  XH in this long experiment may not be close to what Rossi claims,
but that is not the same as 0 XH.

I believe at least Parkhmomov, Jiang, and Zhanghang have demonstrated that
there is evidence of XH in the inferred Lugano fuel system.  In fact,
MFMP's Dogbone replication suggests that there was XH in the Lugano
experiment - just not nearly as much as claimed by the Lugano experimenters
(JofCMNS v21).  Since this fuel system and experiment design came from
Rossi, it lends credence to the claim that Rossi does have *some* working
technology.  IH is duly indignant about the loss of $11M so far because
Rossi has not taught them the high power, high COP technology he claims he
has.  Despite all the rhetoric, I don't believe that even IH believes that
Rossi has nothing - only that he has not given them anything of
significance compared to what he claims.  There was even IH testimony in
this case that there may have been some small XH measured in some of
Rossi's replications at IH.

It appears that the Lugano technology that Rossi gave to IH was "throwing
them a bone".  It is a low power, high temperature technology.  I
personally believe this works or I would not be actively developing test
systems for it.  I have seen Piantelli's lab, read his papers, and listened
to him speak.  I believe he has working Ni-H technology.  If Piantelli has
it, and Focardi said that Rossi had it (and I respect both of them), then
it is likely Rossi has something.

Regarding patents... the present patent is nearly worthless in the scheme
of things by itself.  It is nearly impossible to write a single broad
patent when you don't understand how the technology works.  No matter what,
you need a whole portfolio of patents to provide useful protection -
protecting both the core and all of the non-LENR peripherals around it.  IH
could have helped Rossi develop that portfolio, but Rossi's short-sighted
greed has cost him an important partner.

Maybe Rossi's stuff is not ready for product (which is not the same as
having nothing).  Rossi himself appears (but I have never met the man) not
behaviorally mature enough to bring whatever technology he has to product,
even with the best possible partner.  He is destroying his own technology
by his own bad behaviors.  In the end, whatever he has will leak out and he
will end up with nothing the way things are going.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, including you.  I think you are
digging yourself into a deep hole with extreme statements which I believe
are not support-able, even with evidence to which most of us are not
privy.  Those people that are lined up so staunchly behind Rossi seem
equally guilty of an extreme position.  Where is the scientific moderation?

On Sat, Feb 18, 2017 at 4:14 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

>  Axil Axil <> wrote:
> Rossi's IP is protected by a patent so he is covered.
> A patent that does not work and cannot be replicated is not valid. It is
> worthless. He is not protected against anything. In the highly unlikely
> scenario that he actually has a positive result, he will lose all IP rights
> to it because he did not describe it in the patent well enough for a
> PHOSITA to replicate.
>> It is worthwhile to verify that that patent is valid.
> This has been done. I.H. spent large sums of money and worked with
> experts. They determined that the patent is not valid. No one else has been
> able to replicate. There is not a single valid example of excess heat from
> this experiment. All of the results reported so far, by Parkhomov and
> others, have been mistakes. So, as far as anyone can tell, it does not
> work. That is regrettable but that's reality.
> - Jed

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