Axil is prophetic. Mr.Swartz modified a 3-d printer adding a magnetic pick up and he mapped the billet. The central region had 'liquid-like magnetic properties.
Please recommend specific test. The Manelas billet is wound as he did, but how to we proceed? ________________________________ From: Axil Axil <> Sent: Monday, February 27, 2017 2:36 PM To: vortex-l Subject: Re: [Vo]:DESCRIBING THE MANELAS Phenomenon One huge advantage that Brian A has over all other replicators is that he has a working billet. As a systems engineer, what I do when reverse engineering a old system is to spec it out as well as could be done. That working billet is the KEY to the system. If I had the billet, I would map the magnetic field strengths over the entire face of the billet, front and back. I would NOT apply any magnetism to it for fear of changing something. Use only passive magnetic sensors. I would write a specification of the original magnet which would include a magnetic map of the field patter that it produced. I would never run tests on that original billet for fear of changing it in some way. Then I would duplicate the magnetic field patterns produced by the original billet so I could run tests to see what the coils did to the field pattern. I would then submit the billet spec to a magnetic specialty company to produce a billet that met the billet spec and duplicated the original billet. Such a company is Polymagnet, a magnetic fabricator. Home - Correlated Magnetics<> Polymagnets are the World’s First Smart Magnets. Create a sophisticated experience with Smart Magnet feel and function. The Polymagnet catalog contains a variety of ... I would then verify that the replicated magnet received from the magnet fabricator closely followed the billet spec. With the replicated billet in hand, there are two types of coils to now reverse engineer, the actuator coil, and the output pickup cable(S). The output cable(S) is the one connected to the full wave AC to DC diode rectifier. I would identify that rectifier and test how it works, then look for some indication of which coils it connected. I would spec out the AC power source before using it in any way. After the spec is written, I would then replicate the actuator power source and not use the original one. I would spec out all coils and replicate them, I would not use the originals. I would do the same for the actuator coil that must be connected to the actuator power source(square wave generator). As much as possible, use the duplicates and not the originals. Document those originals as far as possible. Those originals are far too valuable to mess up in any way. On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 5:31 AM, Brian Ahern <<>> wrote: Bedini and Beardon never achieved over unity operation. What can we learn from them? I have witnessed the Manelas device operation, but I do not know what to do wth his components. ________________________________ From: Axil Axil <<>> Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2017 9:18 PM To: vortex-l Subject: Re: [Vo]:DESCRIBING THE MANELAS Phenomenon Thinking about how to determine how the aforementioned magnetic bubble behaves as follows: The boundary of the boarder of the bubble as described in my last post should be determined through experimentation in order to understand, visualize, and maximize the operation of the output pickup coil. To do this experimentally, we must determine how the border of the bubble(BB) behaves in response to the adjustments applied quantum tuning parameter (QTP): it might expand or contract while still centered in place, it might move horizontally and/or vertically with this movement including the bubble center, and finally the boarder of the bubble might grow and decrease periodically in strength. In order for these aforementioned bubble movements to be visualized in Magnetic Viewing Film (MVF) as seen in the Bendini video, the frequency of the activation coil pulses would need to limited to under 10 CPS so that bubble movement can be seen with our eyes.. As an experimental equipment requirement, a sensitive signal wave generator that can handle very low frequencies together with sub cycle fine tuning is required to drive the activation coil. On Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 5:55 PM, Axil Axil <<>> wrote: Getting back to the John Bendini video again: At 8:12 into the video, John Bendini shows how the conditioning of the magnet using a coil that wraps around the side of the magnetic billet will produce a magnetic pole structure that has one pole located in the center and another pole surrounding the center pole located on the exterior edge of the billet. The edge coil produces magnetic field lines which conditions the billet that pass orthogonal to the surface of the billet. After conditioning, all the magnetic boundaries are standing vertical to the surface of the billet. This orientation of the conditioning field lines direct the magnetic domains to reorient themselves to all assume the polarization of one pole directed vertically from the surface. As a reaction to edge concentration of polarity, at the center of the billet, magnetic domains of the opposite polarity will concentrate forming a centralized magnetic bubble. All magnetic field lines rise vertically from the surface of the billet. This is why the needle seen in page 6 of the slide show reference below points up vertically from the center of the billet. I beleive that this magnetic bubble is made to vibrate when a triggering magnetic field is applied to the billet. John Bendini states that the bubble moves around easily when a magnet is placed next to it. This is why the metal tappers shake during the determination of the quantum critical point seen in the Sweet video. We will look at that video in a future post. It can be seen in the plastic magnetic sensor viewer that the edge of the bubble is highly magnetized. The output pickup coil must utilize these magnetic field lines emanating from this bubble edge boundary to induce the output current produced by the VTA system. In short, the vibrating bubble must produce the output current. On Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 12:43 PM, Axil Axil <<>> wrote: More... Here is a video that shows how the Barium ferrite magnet is prepared. Starting at 4:20,there is a section of this video showing that the surface of the barium ferrite magnet is NOT conductive on its surface (2d topological insulator) but the strontium ferrite magnet is conductive. John Bendini has made a few errors here that I will get into a bit later. On Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 12:12 PM, Axil Axil <<>> wrote: More... Floyd Sweet has reported that when the Vacuum Triode Amplifier is in operation, it loses weight. The reason for this may be due to the thermodynamically based Adiabatic reaction force produced when a coherent system oscillates repeatedly through disorder. This process in the EMDrive may produce a reaction force as microwaves create and destroy coherence in the vacuum thus producing negative vacuum energy. The magnons inside of a ferrite magnet could mimic the virtual particles in the vacuum but be far more concentrated and forceful. As the magnons oscillate through thermodynamic coherence a negative vacuum energy state might be created inside the magnet and a resultant Adiabatic reaction force produced orthogonal to the surface of the magnet. I would dearly want to build one of these vacuum triodes to see if I could get my car to float down the street. That might be something that could turn heads. Here is a lecture that explains how a thermodynamically based Adiabatic reaction force is produced. On Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 11:30 AM, Axil Axil <<>> wrote: Barium Ferrite is wonderful stuff. First, it is both a topological insulator, and an electrical insulator which tightly locks in the atomic magnetic dipole induced magnetic domain where electron flow is non existent and does not weaken the magnetic domain through electron band filling. The key to all this is unpaired electrons. A quantum mechanical property called spin gives every electron a magnetic field. Electrons like to pair up is a way that negates their spin. You can think of each one as a tiny bar magnet with the usual north and south poles. Generally, electrons come in pairs. And when you pair up two electrons, their magnetic fields (sort of ) cancel each other out. The orbital containing the pair becomes magnetically the same from all directions. Electron pairing is not good for us. But in some systems, electrons must go unpaired, leading to interesting magnetic properties. When you put an magnetocaloric (MC) material into an external magnetic field, the dipoles associated with the unpaired electrons tend to align with the field and - importantly - the temperature of the material increases. Why does the temperature increase? The magnetic field forces the spins into a thermodynamically lower energy state, and the result of this is that thermal energy - heat - is expelled. When you take the material out of the field it cools down. Thermal energy is absorbed by the system to return the dipoles to a more disordered state. A good example of an MC material is gadolinium, which has seven unpaired electrons in its 4f orbitals, giving it an enormous magnetic moment. Scientists have known about the effect for decades. It was first described in 1881 by German physicist Emil Warburg, who noted that the temperature of a sample of iron increased when he put it into a magnetic field. And it wasn’t long before engineers were thinking about how it might be harnessed to create a heat pump, a device that shifts heat from one place to another against the gradient. Barium Ferrite does not allow electron flow to degrade these unpaired electron orbitals. Strontium ferrite is not a topological insulator but it is still as good an electrical insulator as barium ferrite. Strontium ferrite allows a limited number of electrons to flow which weakens the MC effect and the generation of magnon coherence. Strontium ferrite will do the job but not a good a job as Barium Ferrite, the job being "producing magnon coherence". Both types of these ferrets can be made magnetically anisotropic. Anisotropic magnetism is a requirement for magnetic triode success. Ferrite magnets may be isotropic or anisotropic. In anisotropic qualities, during the pressing process, a magnetic field is applied. This process lines up the particles in one direction, obtaining better magnetic features. Through sintering, (thermal processing at high temperatures), pieces in their definite shape and solidity are obtained, Barium ferrite does not conduct electricity. It also has a characteristic known as perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA). This situation originates from the inherent magneto-crystalline anisotropy of the insulator and not the interfacial anisotropy in other situations. As a Mott insulator, it possesses strong spin orbit coupling. This characteristic produces a log jam of electrons that stops current from flowing. We don't want any electrons to move. A wet pressed process where magnetic particles can move when placed in a magnetic field makes for the strongest magnets before sintering with high heat can make that magnetic ordering permanent. On Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 10:12 AM, Bob Higgins <<>> wrote: Note that these ferrites have substantially different properties in the small signal than they do for large scale magnetic excursions. An RF engineer would shoot you for bringing a magnet near his ferrites because the high magnetic field can bias the material away from the desirable high permeability small signal linear operating point in the B-H curve of the material. When you begin putting really large signals into a ferrite the material behaviors become complicated because, not only is the B-H curve nonlinear, but it also has hysteresis. There is plenty of room for odd behavior in such a complicated material. Sometimes when I look at the B-H curves for large signal excitation of a ferrite it reminds me of the temperature-entropy diagram. Regarding the magnetocaloric effect (MCE)... the field has centered around magnetic refrigeration and the materials that dominate the field are those exhibiting the "giant magnetocaloric effect" which include primarily materials made with gadolinium. So, ferrite materials may exhibit some MCE, but are not optimized for it. This suggests that MCE may be just a side effect in the ferrite during the Manelas device operation, rather than a primary component of the effect. Otherwise, why wouldn't you use a material with the giant MCE? On Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 7:47 AM, <<>> wrote: Axil— IMHO you have finally got the picture!!!! at least with respect to LENR. Bob Cook From: Axil Axil<> Sent: Friday, February 24, 2017 3:47 PM To: vortex-l<> Subject: Re: [Vo]:DESCRIBING THE MANELAS Phenomenon Whenever we can get the spin of an atom to move: whenever we can get a spin to lose OR gain energy, that energy can be transferred to an electron with high efficiency. There are a number of ways that atomic spin can be excited: magnetocaloric where heat energy is transferred to the spin of an atom embedded in a lattice through metal lattice phonons of that lattice or quantum mechanical vibrations that are inherent in the heisenberg uncertainty principle. The key is to amplify this naturally occurring spin movements enough to move electrons strong enough to generate usable voltages and currents. That amplification mechanism might be done by setting up a coherence boundary condition that involves a change of state between coherence and incoherence where a slight external magnetic perturbation triggers this change of state. Barium ferrite might be a magnetic current superconductor where magnetic currents flow inside its lattice. An example of this magnetic current superconductor might be a magnet that allows magnetic flux lines to pass through it or not based on an external parameter: may be temperature or an external magnetic perturbation as an example. See (Barium ferrite is a magnetic insulator) Current-induced switching in a magnetic insulator The spin Hall effect in heavy metals converts charge current into pure spin current, which can be injected into an adjacent ferromagnet to exert a torque. This spin–orbit torque (SOT) has been widely used to manipulate the magnetization in metallic ferromagnets. In the case of magnetic insulators (MIs), although charge currents cannot flow, spin currents can propagate, but current-induced control of the magnetization in a MI has so far remained elusive. Here we demonstrate spin-current-induced switching of a perpendicularly magnetized thulium iron garnet film driven by charge current in a Pt overlayer. We estimate a relatively large spin-mixing conductance and damping-like SOT through spin Hall magnetoresistance and harmonic Hall measurements, respectively, indicating considerable spin transparency at the Pt/MI interface. We show that spin currents injected across this interface lead to deterministic magnetization reversal at low current densities, paving the road towards ultralow-dissipation spintronic devices based on MIs. On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 5:29 PM, Jones Beene <<>> wrote: Whenever purported "free energy" phenomena turn up with no apparent source of excess energy, there are a limited number of candidates which seem to rear their ugly heads. This only applies to LENR in the absence of real nuclear energy, but the nucleus can be part of a combined MO. In rough order of scientific validity and usefulness, these candidates for the source of gain are: 1) ZPE (aether, raumenergie, dynamical Casimir effect, space energy, vacuum energy, quantum energy, Hotson epo field, quantum foam, etc) 2) CMB cosmic microwave background (3K-CMB) 2) neutrinos 4) Schumann resonance 5) Fair weather field 6) Magnetic field of earth 7) Ambient heat (plus deep heat sink) 8) Below absolute zero (deeper heat sink) 9) Anti-gravity effect There are more but they tend to be different wording or combinations of the above ... and even more incredulous. Many combinations are possible. The main reason for bringing this up is that recently CMB has been estimated to be slightly more robust than once thought and with new ways to couple to it. The CMB is probably a subset of ZPE but the energy density of space in terms of the microwave-only spectrum is the equivalent of 0.261 eV per cubic cm, though the actual temperature of 2.7 K is much less than that would indicate - and the peak of the spectrum is at a frequency of 160.4 GHz. ZPE as a whole may be more robust, but CMB is adequate for many uses. The peak intensity of the background is about... ta ad.. a whopping 385 MJy/Sr (that's MegaJanskys per Steradian (I kid you not) which is a candidate for the oddest metric in all of free energy, maybe all of physics ... along with furlongs per fortnight). At any rate, if one could invent the way to couple to CMB easily, it would be possible to see an effective temperature equivalent in an excellent range for thermionics, for instance. The ~2 mm wavelength is interesting too. There have been fringe reports of anomalies with 13 gauge wire but anything with the number 13 is going to bring out the worst ...