Agreed self driving trucks will be a few years off. They won't dump fairly new ones and a retrofit may not be worth it. - but coming. Did you see Dubai is planning to start a pilotless drone taxi service this Summer?

It looks like changing things that don't need a lot of expensive hardware is moving faster. Like writing articles for the media, reading X-Ray images and anything where the human is making a lot of money like pharmacists. Most stock exchange trading is already done by computer and many hundreds have been laid off.

On 4/2/2017 8:15 PM, Eric Walker wrote:
A topic long of interest on Vortex is what implications the revolution in technology of the last few decades will have for employment. With the imminent advent of self-driving vehicles, one occupation that seems at risk is that of driving trucks. But one gets the sense that any dramatic changes in that sector are a few years off. An occupation I wasn't expecting to be on the line is that of managers of actively managed mutual funds. Recently BlackRock began consolidating its actively managed funds with funds that rely on algorithmic trading, along the lines of Vanguard's exchange-traded funds:

There are still some actively managed funds at BlackRock, and this area of the business is still profitable. But it's not clear how long it will continue to be.


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