On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 4:03 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> vhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/06/16/
> people-are-worried-amazon-will-replace-whole-foods-
> workers-with-robots/?utm_term=.8da06e571e18

I'll state it again in this forum (in spite of the knee-jerk anti-communism
around here, and most everywhere else in the U.S. and bourgeois society):

The core logic of capitalism has an INNATE flaw: the *requirement* to
compete (even considering monopoly interests) -- which *forces* the
competing 'capital pools' to *automate* production, in order to drive down
costs. And while cost-per-unit does indeed fall with automation -- the
worker becoming more and more superfluous to the process, as is intended --
**so does the rate-of-profit as well**: because, as we should *all* know --
it is the *Surplus-Labor* of the worker which IS the source of the
Industrialists' profit...

And so we have an _essential_ contradiction here. And the thing about
essential contradictions is -- they are insurmountable.
In spite of ENDLESS, hysterical, brow-beating propaganda to the contrary.

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