Rossi is the latest LENR guy who has $signs in his eyes.   Patterson was a
solid example of that.   I like the hope that MFMP offers to circumvent
that problem.   As soon as they verify a LENR experiment that many who have
the means can do in our garages, the cat is out of the bag.

MIT Professor Hagelstein was going to sell NANORs for a few thousand
dollars but that appears to have gone nowhere.

On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 2:02 PM, Che <> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 8:57 PM, Kevin O'Malley <>
> wrote:
>> Celani detected gamma rays when Rossi's reactor got started, and Rossi
>> came down hard on him for bringing a Geiger counter.   So yes, there was a
>> Nuclear event occuring in Rossi's apparatus for at least that short time.
> Right. And the heat. And the steam. All the witnesses and glowing (pun
> intended) reports. Etc. So it is most reasonable to assume that Rossi did
> not get as far as he did by simple fraudulent calculation, afterthought --
> as some people here so easily now assume (no doubt because it simplifies
> their mental processes on the subject into convenient, manichean black &
> white imagery).
> And so why then, is 'LENR' -- cold fusion -- a dead letter, now..? If it
> such a real, material phenomenon?
> All this proprietary secrecy is what is *really* leaving everyone in the
> lurch, here. And it amazes (uh, not really) that so many people here just
> do not want to draw the proper conclusions about involving 'private
> interests' in basic scientific research -- simply because money is
> otherwise so very hard to come by, in this Neoliberal age of oligarchic
> plundering of our entire society.
>> On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 3:20 PM, Che <> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 12:55 PM, Alain Sepeda <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I with the crook will be prevented to be a nuisance again...
>>>> whoever you think it is (I have an opinion).
>>> I truly doubt matters are that simple.
>>> Was there, or was there not, cold fusion occurring, in Rossi's
>>> apparatus? At any time?

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