You sound like someone who doesn't want to see LENR succeed.   Seems
about the right position, for a communist.

On 7/11/17, Che <> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 7:12 PM, Kevin O'Malley <> wrote:
>> Mary Yugo said he was contacted by investors looking to verify Rossi.
> He told them what to test for, and Rossi never had anything to do with
> them.   The only way Rossi is going to find an investor now is to have the
> darned thing tested with true independence, like an investor bringing you
> along.   So this is a healthy thing.
> A significant portion of Humanity has other ideas about the health value of
> letting capitalist 'investors' run amok across the surface of the Planet --
> 'legally' or otherwise. Anyone seeing the involvement of vulture
> capitalists in heterodox fyzix research as being a 'healthy thing' -- given
> the wretched history of it all -- really should go see a doctor.
> Better to end up on Patreon, or somesuch.

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