Speaking of Winterberg – here is his take on ultradense deuterium from arxiv 
severak years ago…

Note the last sentence in the context of ICF laser fusion using a tabletop 
laser: “ it would greatly facility the ignition of a thermonuclear detonation 
wave in pure deuterium, by placing the deuterium in a thin disc”

AHA – thin disk? As in a disk of graphene?

If the ICF people at LLNL have overlooked this – shame on them

Ultradense Deuterium
F.Winterberg  Submitted on 30 Dec 2009 
An attempt is made to explain the recently reported occurrence of ultradense 
deuterium as an isothermal transition of Rydberg matter into a high density 
phase by quantum mechanical exchange forces. It is conjectured that the 
transition is made possible by the formation of vortices in a Cooper pair 
electron fluid, separating the electrons from the deuterons, with the deuterons 
undergoing Bose-Einstein condensation in the core of the vortices. If such a 
state of deuterium should exist at the reported density of about 100,000 g/cm3, 
it would greatly facility the ignition of a thermonuclear detonation wave in 
pure deuterium, by placing the deuterium in a thin disc, to be ignited by a 
pulsed ultrafast laser or particle beam of modest energy. 

From: bobcook39...@hotmail.com

IMHO some folks, like those you identify at LLNL, are stuck in the dogma of hot 
fusion being practical in the future.


It’s not that simple. Sure, ITER is a long-running brain-dead boondoggle, but 
there are signs of intelligence at other Labs.

In fact, a hybrid form of hot fusion with targets made of UDD is practical and 
with this kind of ICF target a desktop laser can be used.

The footprint for hot fusion becomes much smaller and much  less expensive. 
This can happen with the dense form of deuterium. It is a paradigm shift.

Essentially, at least as far as what is publicly available -  Holmlid is closer 
to this goal of small hot/cold hybrid fusion than the billion dollar efforts…

… unless that is, they are working under the radar on it at LLNL, and you have 
to think they are. Friedwardt Winterberg was predicting something like this 50 
years ago. He is almost 90 but still teaches physics. I hope he is around to 
see the results. But the timing is uncertain, shall we say. The great 
Heisenberg was his doctoral advisor <g>

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