You might find this of interest.
Alan Smith of Looking for Heat and William Collis have been interviewed on
the Cold Fusion Now! -podcast.
You can subscribe to the feed on iTunes via

<>There's a
lot of conversation on the Alan Smith episode here:

Here's some descriptions:

2018/03/06  e005 Alan Smith is Director of, an online
shop dedicated to supplying open science research with laboratory needs.
Alan has spent a career in various fields related to materials research and
engineering, with a focus on polymers and is the author of books on craft
subjects. He is also a moderator on LENR-forum.
more details at

2018/03/14 e006 William Collis is Chief Executive of the International
Society of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, the largest association
serving cold fusion/LENR researchers globally through conferences, a
journal, and scientific paper archive. He has a degree in Biochemistry from
the University of Oxford and is an expert in atomic weights whose interest
in LENR is not entirely theoretical.
more details at

The Cold Fusion Now! -podcast is also on Patreon - so if you feel like
supporting this very worthy historical project, sign up and support at


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