One of my goals was to get the cold fusion reaction to proceed at high RF 
frequencies.  To this end, I have been experimenting with helium and black iron 
Magnetite.  So far the only reaction  has been that the bottle has sucked in.  
I know helium is inert chemically and iron is inert nu-clearly.
Meanwhile my neighbor gave me a bunch of old block and fire bricks.  They have 
been sitting in her backyard for 40 years and are discolored.  I made a fire 
pit from the blocks and bricks.  I capped the top of the blocks with red fire 
bricks.  I looked OK.  I thought, it I could get those bricks to shine red, the 
project would pop.  Why are bricks red?  Iron of course.  I would put some of 
the magnetite from my experiment on top of the bricks and it would oxidize to a 
 nice red color.  The black bricks look really bad.  The was no oxidation in 
two months.  I applied bleach to the bricks, no luck, the black stain remained. 
Howard told me to apply muratic acid.  That was fun, it sizzled and cleaned the 
black rust from the bricks.  The bricks looked better too.It rained that night 
and the black rust ran onto the blocks below.   To my surprise that looked 
good, black blocks capped with yellow bricks. I applied more magnetite to the 
blocks to enhance the effect.  I had the right idea but applied it backwards at 
We shall see with the blocks look like in the spring.  With my luck the 
magnetite will decide to oxidize into some yucky color.

We can learn things even from experiments that have gone bad.  I'll take a 
picture and post it.

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