Inside dense matter photons can run on SO(4) orbits as the most recent experiment with group speed >>>c did show. This implies that they must couple to the central flux of magnetic mass.

In Holmlids  case with a coherent laser the SO(4) orbits get "overloaded" what means that the release of photons is slower than the add-on of photons. Thus virtually any mass can be added to protons. In normal photon absorption the halve live of the state is given by the Pointing power theorem. But here the energy of the state grows and as a consequence the release of energy slows down.

As Holmlid most often sees 4H clusters I assume that 4H--> 4-He is the driving factor for cracking entangle protons. But anything else like one proton takes all entangled photon energy and cracks a proton into 2 Kaons (about 50MeV needed) is possible too.


On 18.05.2019 02:45, Axil Axil wrote:
Regarding: " Did Holmlid “accidentally” chose a laser frequency which somehow interferes with quantum entanglement inside protons?"

The application of light to the surface of the ultra dense matter will naturally generate the formation of polaritons through entanglement. This formation of a polaritons condensate produces the superconductive, super-fluidic and quantum mechanically coherent nature of ultra dense mater.

On Fri, May 17, 2019 at 6:43 PM JonesBeene < <>> wrote:

      *An experiment hints at quantum entanglement inside protons*

        LHC data suggests the proton’s constituent quarks and gluons
        share weird links

    By Emily Conover <>

    If the proton’s quarks are held together in part due to quantum
    entanglement, then understanding how that works could point to a
     “back door” - which allows easy proton annihilation.

    Did Holmlid “accidentally” chose a laser frequency which somehow
    interferes with quantum entanglement inside protons?

Jürg Wyttenbach
Bifangstr. 22
8910 Affoltern am Albis

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