Years ago (~25) the trendiest technological breakthrough in LENR was the 
microbeads of James Patterson.

There is some similarity in assessing that episode to the present case of 
Mizuno, even as  we are anticipating  a better outcome. Here is a poorly 
written Wiki page on the topic:

Which gives way too much credit to the skeptics. Patterson was doing nano 
before nano became cool, as they say … ahead of the world-changing advancements 
that nanotechnology now seems to be  opening up (even though we are not there 
yet). There is little doubt that he had strong gain at times but could not 
reproduce it himself. Moreover, Patterson  was secretive, and failed to grasp 
the operative mechanism of his own technique. 

Possibly there was a simple detail which went overlooked… like a tap water 

In retrospect – and assuming Mizuno is replicated – the moral to the story 
could be this – drop the secrecy, drop the vanity and greed, and let others 
have full and complete understanding of the anomaly you have found.  In the 
Patterson CETI cell, it could very easily have been the case that there was the 
same overlooked detail like calcite, which went unnoticed. 

Moreover, even today with the benefit of several decades of mixed results in 
LENR  there could easily be another key ingredient besides or in addition to 
the those which are obvious -  which Mizuno is/was not completely aware of – 
even now.  There was way too much secrecy back then in the Patterson era – and 
millions went unclaimed because of what can be best described as a failure to 
see the big picture, Mizuno, to his credit sees the big picture and yet there 
may  still be  annoying details out there which are lurking.

 It seems that in the nano world, the nano-god giveth and the nano-god taketh 
way… meaning that something as simple as going from 100 nm in thickness down to 
30 nm is the difference between no gain and large gain.

The recent video from DeNeum in Estonia of all places, is the type of thing 
which could really make a difference if it turns out to be even half as robust 
as the Mizuno efforts. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a good vid is 
worth 100,000.

In fact, perhaps that video will spur many more of them along the way towards 
eventual success – and especially from Master Mizuno himself.


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