
90 years of SM nonsense are enough.

These guys - most mathematicians than only did understand square integrals... - just did throw away magnetism because it was above their simple mind.

Thanks to computers we today can integrate thousands of non linear coupled differential equations of very high polynomial degree.

Everything about dense matter that is potential based only is simply math rubbish. Such reasoning only works on high levels of atomic potentials where 1/r3 is not noticeable.

Thus try to understand that a low density field paper(small potentials only) can explain nothing about basic (dense-) physics in the world.

There are many LENR model based on coherence of matter waves that should work like solitons. But unluckily dense matter is composed of different isotopes and there usually is no coherence possible.

Thus I always hear/see people with fantastic ideas but no clue of reality. 50% of today's papers already fail on children level math & logic.

I hope you are still able to distinguish behavior ("like monopole") and reality. Reality is a Lagrangian (based on magnetism of course!) that contains the force equation that fits for all explanations you give - else its just comedy or fun.


On 14.09.2019 05:15, Axil Axil wrote:
Half-solitons in a polariton quantum fluid behave like magnetic monopoles

It turns out that the polariton condensate is formed out of the dirac spinor that contains the left and right handed electron hypercharge property. It is that quantum property that when condensed forms the Higgs field. The polariton condensate acts as a topological defect in the Higgs field that resolves into the Higgs monopole.

On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 10:16 PM Vibrator ! < <>> wrote:

    LOL some years ago i had an interesting discussion re. 'monopoles'
    on PhysOrg:

    ...suffice to say, colour me skeptical..  ;)

    On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 5:29 PM Jürg Wyttenbach <
    <>> wrote:


        Even if you post this nonsense 10 more times it will never
        help to explain the world. It's just a "legal" way to generate
        money for research. I here mention that the breakthrough prize
        just has been given to a group that has deep connections to
        the science (physics) self service money laundering system
        (includes journals, reviewers, politics) for work about
        gravity that nobody ever will use as it is even more outraging
        than the Higgs...

        All mass in the universe can be given as EM mass. CERN never
        ever will find or has found a Higgs or an other fantasy
        particles like quarks.

        The Higgs masses are simple proton *resonances *and the quarks
        are the same.

        A *resonance *is not a particle. The same holds for magnetic
        monopoles. Magnetic flux travels at light speed and only
        strange minds can believe such a flux can be generated/stopped
        out of nothing with an infinitely strong force - when you e.g.
        use the outdated Einstein GER.

        For all the "strange ideas" above completely new physics will
        be needed with almost no relation to current definitions. Thus
        if you can provide something - e.g. vacuum fluctuations - that
        explain how EM-flux is generated out of nothing then you will
        be a hero & I would like It!

        To say it once more the gravitation constant is given by the
        weak force in SO(4) (generated by the complete coupled 5D
        charge rotation). It is "absolutely exact"= as measured and
        also explains why gravitation is not absolutely constant,
        because the coupling mass (electron weak force bound orbit) in
        the 3D,t frame is slightly varying in nuclei with larger Z.


        On 13.09.2019 03:53, Axil Axil wrote:

        Keith Fredericks

        has presented his research on what he calls superluminal
        particles which are magnetic monopoles at ICCS22. I found the
        theory that could underpins Keith's finding in a cosmology
        course from MIT.

        It involves the formation of a topological defect in the
        Higgs field. This defect forms when a new Higgs field is
        created and the Higgs field combines with the new Higgs
        field. This defect in the Higgs field forms a magnetic
        monopole that is huge and powerful. A particle forms that has
        a mass of 10^20 protons or about a microgram. This energy
        level produces a Higgs field defect that meets the dense
        Higgs field level of 10^18GeV.

        According to cosmology theory, monopoles from Higgs field
        cooling appeared about 2 hours after the big bang. We know
        that this monopoles can form in the present day to support
        LENR transmutation.

        First, the particle is a Higgs field condensate and is
        tachyonic. The Higgs field is a tachyonic field. This means
        that the monopole is not superluminal but represents a
        disturbance in the Higgs field.

        The lecture is informative from the start and is well worth
        the time to view it in total. It explains how the Higgs field
        fits into both the standard model and the standard
        cosmological model. It shows the math, and then it explains
        the way dissimilar Higgs field interact.

        For your convenience, I placed the video pointer of the
        lecture at 52:58 to show the Higgs field spacifics.

        This area of cosmology is well developed and can be accessed
        for further study by googling "topological defect in the
        higgs field"

        Transmutation in LENR is caused by the "higgs abyss" (for
        further study google). The Higgs mechanism distorts the
        function of quarks due to their mass redefinition.

        In my opinion, Keith's presentation is the most significant
        presentation of this conference and reveals the true nature
        of the NAE and the science that supports it.

        What is interesting about Keith Fredericks findings is that
        these monopoles form spontaneously from the environment as
        well as those being produced in LENR experiments. Keith
        Fredericks calls these particles cosmic background. He shows
        them as the agent that produce tracks (strange radiation)
        where matter loss occurs.

-- Jürg Wyttenbach
        Bifangstr. 22
        8910 Affoltern am Albis

        +41 44 760 14 18
        +41 79 246 36 06

Jürg Wyttenbach
Bifangstr. 22
8910 Affoltern am Albis

+41 44 760 14 18
+41 79 246 36 06

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