Another apparent solution I stumbled across (it was shared to me by a FB,
but I uploaded it to YT):

Basically hot air as found in a hot desert, a Sauna for about 20 mins
should kill the virus.

On Wed, 18 Mar 2020 at 08:14, Jonathan Berry <> wrote:

> Another possible contender...
> Here’s a promising candidate herb that prevents malaria and tuberculosis
> In the world of natural medicine, there are already powerful, well-known
> treatments against malaria that also happen to prevent tuberculosis, an
> aggressive infection of the respiratory tract. While nothing is yet proven
> to treat coronavirus, our review of herbal medicine studies and medicinal
> phytochemicals leads us to the conclusion that this Chinese Medicine herb
> may one day become known as the “natural cure” for coronavirus (although
> clinical trials are needed, obviously, to prove this).
> The chemical is called *artemesinin*, and the herb is known as *sweet
> wormwood*. And no, we don’t sell it. This isn’t a commercial promotion,
> it’s an effort to help save millions of lives using medicine that’s
> available right now, all around the world.
> Artemesinin is known for its ability to block the bacterial strain that
> causes tuberculosis, known as *Mycobacterium tuberculosis*. That doesn’t
> mean it prevents coronavirus, which is a viral infection, but it’s a strong
> candidate for a number of logical reasons.
> According to research published in the journal *Phytomedicine*,
> artemisinin / sweet wormwood has a “100% cure rate” for treating
> drug-resistant malaria, at least in a small trial involving 18 patients
> (all of whom were cured). As writes in this important story
> <>
> :
> *A study led by Pamela Weathers, a professor of biology and biotechnology
> at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), published in the journal
> Phytomedicine, describes how the Artemisia annua plant, commonly known as
> sweet wormwood or sweet annie, saved 18 patients with drug-resistant
> malaria from the brink of death.*
> *The Congolese patients, who ranged in age from 14 months to 60 years, had
> all developed severe, untreatable malaria, with symptoms ranging from loss
> of consciousness, to trouble breathing and convulsions, among others. When
> they failed to respond to intravenous treatment with an ACT, compassionate
> doctors decided to try the dried leaves of the Artemisia annua plant as a
> last resort. After only five days of the treatment, all 18 patients were
> fully recovered, including one child who had been in a coma. Blood tests
> revealed that absolutely no parasites remained in their blood.*
> That study was published in *Phytomedicine*, and the full study is
> available at this link on
> <> The
> title of the study is, “Artemisia annua dried leaf tablets treated malaria
> resistant to ACT and i.v. artesunate: Case reports.”
> There’s even more scientific evidence to back this up. Natural News
> covered another story about sweet wormwood herb in 2017, entitled, “Chinese
> medicine herb discovered to prevent tuberculosis infections
> <>.”
> The story cites a study published in *Nature Chemical Biology*
> <> in 2011.
> Here’s part of that story:
> Chinese medicine herb discovered to prevent tuberculosis infections
> A recent study reveals that artemisinin, a compound found in sweet
> wormwood, shows potential in tuberculosis treatment. This Chinese herbal
> medicine is previously known for its efficacy in treating malaria.
> Researchers at the Michigan State University have discovered that the
> compound prevents Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a tuberculosis-causing
> bacteria, from becoming dormant. Dormancy was associated with antibiotic
> resistance in patients.
> Lead researcher Dr. Robert Abramovitch explains that dormant bacteria
> become highly tolerant to antibiotic therapy. Inhibiting dormancy makes the
> tuberculosis bacteria more susceptible to drug treatments and shortens
> treatment duration.  To test this, researchers engineered a tuberculosis
> strain that glows bright green upon the onset of dormancy. A vast number of
> compounds were then assessed to see if they could prevent the bacteria from
> becoming dormant.
> According to the researchers, Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Mtb requires
> oxygen to thrive. Artemisinin is shown to inhibit the molecule called heme
> found in the bacterium’s oxygen sensor, which in turn disrupts the Mtb from
> sensing its deteriorating oxygen levels. “When the Mtb is starved of
> oxygen, it goes into a dormant state, which protects it from the stress of
> low-oxygen environments. If Mtb can’t sense low oxygen, then it can’t
> become dormant and will die,” Dr. Abramovitch says. The researchers have
> also identified five other compounds that may potentially replicate a
> similar effect on the bacterium.
> A 2011 study also supports artemisinin’s anti-tuberculosis potential.
> Researchers said using the compound as a conjugation factor induces a
> selective antagonistic effect against multi- and extensively drug-resistant
> strains of Mtb. The findings are published in the Journal of the American
> Chemical Society.
> ###
> More published studies and papers discuss artemisinin as a complementary
> treatment against malaria or tuberculosis
> The author of the paper mentioned above, Robert Abramovitch, is also a
> co-author of a 2016 paper, published in *Nature Chemical Biology*, which
> explores the ability of artemesinin to treat tuberculosis, a respiratory
> illness. This paper is entitled, “Inhibitors of Mycobacterium
> tuberculosis DosRST signaling and persistence
> <>.” It says: (bolding added)
> *The Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) DosRST two-component regulatory
> system promotes the survival of Mtb during non-replicating persistence
> (NRP)… The screen discovered novel inhibitors of the DosRST regulon,
> including three compounds that were subject to follow-up studies:
> artemisinin, HC102A and HC103A. Under hypoxia, all three compounds inhibit
> Mtb-persistence-associated physiological processes, including
> triacylglycerol synthesis, survival and antibiotic tolerance. Artemisinin
> functions by disabling the heme-based DosS and DosT sensor kinases by
> oxidizing ferrous heme and generating heme–artemisinin adducts.*
> In addition, the journal *Nature Reviews Microbiology* also discusses the
> use of artemisinin as a therapy against malaria. In this article
> <> by Richard. T. Eastman and
> David A. Fidock, it’s explained that artemisinin is now used across the
> world because malaria has become resistant to the prescription drugs
> chloroquine and sulfadoxine–pyrimethamine. From their summary:
> *Drug resistance, however, remains the biggest threat to current drug
> efficacy. The former mainstays of antimalarial chemotherapy, chloroquine
> and sulfadoxine–pyrimethamine, have been rendered ineffective for the
> treatment of Plasmodium falciparum malaria by the emergence and spread of
> drug-resistant parasites.*
> *Almost all malaria-endemic regions have switched to artemisinin
> (ART)-based combination therapies (ACTs) for the first-line treatment of P.
> falciparum malaria.*
> The term “ACTs” means artemisinin-based combination therapies.
> We caution that artemesinin is not proven to treat or cure coronavirus,
> but so far, nothing else is either
> The upshot of all this is that artemisinin is a promising candidate that
> might one day be known as the “natural cure” for coronavirus. However,
> since nearly every government and science body in the world is run by Big
> Pharma and the vaccine industry, it’s almost certain that *this herb will
> never be tested against coronavirus*. The natural cures are, of course,
> systematically suppressed.
> Fortunately, this herb is widely available right now, and it works with a
> very high margin of safety, efficacy and affordability. That’s precisely
> why the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t want you to know about it, of
> course: There’s not much money to be made in affordable natural cures.
> Yet this is how we can best serve humanity: Find the natural cures that
> exist right now, test them and disseminate the information as widely as
> possible. But Big Tech <> is making sure that all
> voices that promote natural cures are censored, thereby protecting Big
> Pharma’s profit interests. The DOJ has even announced it’s going to conduct
> criminal investigations into “false cures” being promoted for the
> coronavirus, which of course means they will specifically target anyone
> selling herbs, colloidal silver, chlorine dioxide and so on.
> It’s all a grand racket to keep the people isolated from real knowledge
> while protecting the profits of the corrupt pharmaceutical industry that
> already kills 200,000+ Americans a year. In fact, so far this year, *Big
> Pharma has killed far more people than the coronavirus*, at least for the
> moment.
> While I can’t tell you what to do with your own personal health strategy,
> I encourage you to *discuss artemisinin with your naturopathic physician* to
> determine if it’s a good fit. Personally, I’m stocking up on this herb and
> will start taking a preventive dose immediately. Should I begin to show any
> symptoms of respiratory distress or fever, I’ll up my daily dose of this
> along with a wide assortment of other vitamins, herbs, minerals and
> superfoods that might also be effective.
> Rest assured, the corrupt establishment will make sure that sweet wormwood
> never gets tested against the coronavirus. That’s how they can say, in
> perpetuity, there’s “no evidence” that it works. There’s no evidence
> because they refuse to test it, just like the CDC managed to claim
> coronavirus infections were “low” in America because they deliberately
> botched the testing kits.
> It’s amazing what the corrupt establishment can achieve by *avoiding* testing
> the things they don’t want to test, isn’t it?
> On Wed, 18 Mar 2020 at 07:47, Jones Beene <> wrote:
>> Ron Kita wrote:
>> Greetings Vortex members,
>> Below is from the NIH PubMed-
>> -------------------------------
>> As a practical matter of going to the next level - here is a supplement
>> from Amazon which is recommended as a broad range anti-viral and is similar
>> to the above.
>> Curiously - the Wuhan medical reports on effective treatments in
>> hospitals (and given there is no cure) - which were collected and evaluated
>> from papers in the last two weeks, indicate that "traditional medicine"
>> (herbal concoctions) provide a significantly higher survival rate than was
>> expected - and a key ingredient in the ones which were tested appears to be 
>> *licorice
>> *- which has been used for 5000 years in traditional medicine. The
>> tablets above contain a small amount of licorice.
>> At a few cents per tablet - there is little downside risk to taking these
>> even with no symptoms. The risk of doing nothing is high and let's face it
>> - China has indeed made a startling turn-around in controlling the spread.
>> Everyone though it would be much worse there than it has turned out to be
>> and a part of that success could be overlooked by Big-Pharma here. They
>> simple cannot profit when the competition is natural.
>> The difference between the poorer statistical results in Italy
>> (considering the lower population) when compared to China, could related to
>> the lack of the same faith in traditional medicine (other than garlic). I
>> hope these results from China are not overlooked and denigrated by the
>> medical profession in the West.

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