Here is a bit of worrisome speculation… 

One hopes that there is no factual basis for the following alarming suggestion. 

If not, look for it in a film on Netflix..

The present wave of infection going through the USA will peak soon or has 
already peaked in selected regions. 
That situation presents a unique opportunity for a particular terrorist nation 
to intervene and create a second 
wave of infection which will further decimate the economy. That opportunity is 
present because of top level political 
pressure to “open up the economy” at the earliest possible date. This is 
laudable but possibly risky,

Here are the dynamics which may become active in the coming days and weeks.

1) Iran is the most likely perpetrator of a Covid sneak attack, since they are 
a terrorist nation with a long-standing grudge against us,
2) Iran will have a few million potential martyrs (carriers) who have been 
infected and recovered from the illness.
3) They have been involved in this kind of thing before and have expertise in 
biological warfare
4) These carriers can become super-spreaders by actively identifying and using 
known vectors for infection.
5) According to retired CIA agents, Hezbollah and therefore Iran have 
maintained “sleeper cells” in America for many years 

How would they proceed to inflict harm?

Anyone can make an educated guess – and some will be more devious and probable 
than others. I hope that 
we have already mounted some kind of defense analysis at the highest levels, 
but in case we have missed something – 
feel free to dream up a scenario which could help.

OK – here’s one clever way that comes to mind – don’t laugh - the US mail. It 
adds a whole new meaning to “the check is in the mail” 

The mail would be a usable vector if done if coordinated in dozens of cities 
and in such a way that avoided suspicion about large mailings- at least for a 
few days. 

Would it be possible to contaminate several million official-looking checks 
with the virus ? These would be checks that appear to come from the US treasury 
for the $1200 stimulus.

Hey the  scenario is almost crazy, but just in case – wear disposable gloves as 
you open that mail, and on the way to the bank… 

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