You, and maybe Cuomo too, could be under the influence of Moscow...
See the pic at the bottom of this article
Copper Kills the Coronavirus on Contact, so Why Isn’t Copper Everywhere?

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Copper Kills the Coronavirus on Contact, so Why Isn’t Copper Everywhere?

Copper kills microbes on contact, but is it too expensive to use on more 



Brian Ahern wrote:  
 I know with unshakable confidence,
A copper bracelet will immunize every wearer.From: H LV <>
 <<The truth is nobody knows what happens next and when it happens. ... How can 
it be that no one knows? ... We look to experts and we expect them to know so 
we push them know. "Answer the question. Tell me what is going to happen in 
September What is going to happen in December ?" Sometimes the answer is "I 
don't know." Sometimes that is the honest answer. ...
I speak to the best minds around this country, around the globe and they don't 
know. If you don't know, say you don't know. It doesn't mean you are not smart. 
No reason to get defensive. When you know what you don't know and admit it, it 
will actually keep you safe. ... Know when you don't know what the future holds 
- you can be safe because then you can prepare for different possibilities. And 
that's where we are...>>
-- Andrew Cuomo, Governor of the Sate of New York, May 4th.  

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