On Thu, 3 Sep 2020, Terry Blanton wrote:
and suspend it in the spinning magnet's field regardless of the
polarity of the stationary magnetic. A search showed that no one
appears to have ever reported nor explained this phenomenon.

I just assumed it was energy-wells created by inductive repulsion.
Guess not!

Hamdi, if you have ambition, duplicate some of your setups with ALL CONDUCTORS REMOVED. Or at the very least, use one insulating rubberized supermagnet for the rotating portion, and any old supermagnet for the non-rotator. This eliminates the electric currents and the induction-maglev artifact.

I think "bonded" neo supermagnets are still available, made of neo alloy powder, mixed in flexible "rubber" polymer, so, non-conductive (but also there are no one-tesla neo rubber-magnets.)

(No, I DON'T think Hamdi's discovery is just induction. But induction creates artifacts. So perhaps slap together a quick version which lacks the rotating conductors. Verify that the phenomenon still appears.)

High-speed rotating conductors, placed near magnets, have energy-wells. This includes high-speed rotating neo magnets. That one infamous two-pipes maglev-device on my website is just one of many, many topologies. E.g., two thick copper strips placed parallel, moving fast in opposite directions, should stably suspend any supermagnet placed in the gap between them. Two thick copper disks, touching edges and rotating opposite, have an energy-well in the "cleft" between them, and will suspend a small supermagnet cylinder or disk. My favorite is a rotating copper donut w/wide hole, with a rotating copper disk placed in the hole, and a significant slot between the two, with the two rotating opposite (~w/30mph surface speed.) Then, place neo supermagnets in the circular slot, and adjust the RPMs of the copper parts so the suspended magnet doesn't move. (I haven't built that one. I didn't have a 500watt DC motor at the time.)

All these are utterly conventional physics, as far as I know.

But they could produce mysterious artifacts, when in any experiment involving high-speed rotating supermagnets, where the supermagnets are made of conductor, rather than of flexible-magnet composite material where no hundred-ampere induced currents are possible.

  (Heh, all these variation appeared in my mind while it was really easy
   to think.  Not at 5AM in darkness, as is typical.  Instead, it was on a
   airline flight (Seatac to SF,) with my head bathed in cosmic radiation
   which makes a geiger counter roar.  All miles-high plane flights expose
   us to many millirems.  So, try it yourself: always bring a blank
   notebook on the flight, and try working on old ideas etc., see if
   you make sudden enormous progress with new concepts flooding in.  I
   always do this, and as a result, invariably solve problems, or get new
   insights, harvest "good stuff from the Aether.")

Native American shaman apparently used this trick. But they employed caves having either massive Radon outgassing, or very "hot" mineral deposits. Brains bathed in low-level x-rays, such as on airline flights, will slip into slightly-altered, creative states.)


  Dangerous high-speed maglev device


If the pictures are not enough to interest you, here are numerous
videos of his demonstration of the phenomenon:


If anyone does have any comments or questions, I will be happy to
forward them to Hamdi or put you in touch with him after I get his

(((((((((((((((((( ( (  (   (    (O)    )   )  ) ) )))))))))))))))))))
William J. Beaty                            SCIENCE HOBBYIST website
billb at amasci com                         http://amasci.com
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
Seattle, WA  206-762-3818    unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

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