All of modern physics wrong – built on misunderstanding ofrelativity
I gave my talk on Einstein’s relativity at two onlineconferences, it caused controversy. Einstein’s relativity has beenmisunderstood – Special relativity is not a relativity theory; Galileanrelativity is nothing to do with what Galileo was talking about; Einstein’srelativity was written by his wife and Einstein himself could not have properlyunderstood it. The theory has been mistranslated from German; misunderstood;misrepresented; misnamed from the very beginning! My talk at: <>

First online conference->
ANPA (Alternative Natural Philosophy Association) set upmore than 40 years ago to look at alternatives to mainstream beliefs, furthertalks at: <>
Second online conference talks at-> <> Latest online talks(now have more time to do them because on covid lockdown): How relativists (believers in Einstein relativity) lie bythe sin of omission <>
Factoids of Relativity <>

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