I asked Frank to address this issue of batteries. He posted a reply at
LENR-Forum, as follows:


With regard to the possibility that the LEC is a battery: A LEC has many
similarities to a battery and we debated calling it a Hydrogen Ion Battery
but a LEC is much more. A battery is basically two electrodes of different
work function where metal ions are transported by well known chemical
reactions through a liquid electrolyte in between the electrodes. The LEC
does not have a liquid electrolyte and a LEC produces and transports gas
ions. A battery is also a voltage source and a LEC acts like a current
source. The output of a battery does not increase with temperature. A LEC
has similarities with a nuclear or atomic battery without the hazardous
radiation and they don't increase output with temperature. We settled on
calling it a LEC,

I'm working on a more detailed description but that will take some time. I
reviewed the description that Pam Boss wrote for the Galileo project that
Steve Krivit organize several years ago. It contained a lot more detail
that a high school student with minimal knowledge of electronics or
chemistry would need. The only guidance that I provided to Jean-Paul
Biberian was to send the cell diagram. As I included in the presentation,
he tried a rod of Pd-Ag alloy and it didn't work. I suggested that he
needed to codeposit some Pd onto the rod to make sure it had vacancies that
codeposition is know to produce. He did that and it worked. Jean-Paul is
very experienced and knowledgeable. In the case of Andrew Erickson, he was
new to the field but had some technical knowledge. I sent him the drawing a
description that is in the presentation and talked to him a couple times
and he produced a successful active working electrode. I presume that most
of the people in this forum are somewhere between Jean-Paul and Andrew in
experience and knowledge so hopefully the information that I supplied on
codeposition will be enough. If anyone is having trouble based on that
description or has specific questions, please let me know. I would also
like to know when people try to replicate and if they were successful or
not. Based on the issues/problems in replicating the results, I can be sure
to address those in the detailed description.

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