Jürg Wyttenbach <ju...@datamart.ch> wrote:

> We no longer need any Ivermectin studies as we have real data from
> 1'000'000'000 people that now no longer worry CoV-19.
Leading Indian epidemiologists say there is no evidence that ivermectin had
an effect in India. They were interviewed in the New York Times and
elsewhere. Epidemiologists are better at judging these things than doctors
in the field. Doctors have often been mistaken about the efficacy of a
drug. The epidemiologists say the curves of the recent outbreaks indicate
the epidemic abated because of natural herd immunity in the hard hit
districts. The doctors took antibody tests from a sample of the population.
They found that the infection rate was far higher than official statistics
showed. It was high enough to achieve local herd immunity. Local herd
immunity is why there are multiple waves of an epidemic in different cities
over time.

Double-blind tests of ivermectin show either a very small effect, or none
at all, so it is not possible it has had a giant effect on the Indian
population. The doctors in the field are not more skilled in
administering the drug than the doctors doing the double-blind tests. The
doctors in the field have described their methods, dosage and so on.
Clinical double-blind tests did not replicate their claims. When a drug has
a small effect at best, the way ivermectin does, the only way to confirm
that effect is with a double blind test.

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