Hey Jed / Terry and others near Atlanta GA

As it turns out -  Miura have a US-based factory in Georgia about and hour from 
Atlanta - 

Might be worth making contact - if you believe that "Clean Planet" is the real 
I am amazed that Clean Planet does not generate more comments on the forums, 
given they are claiming to start production soon of a LENR powered boiler..
Let's hope these units are not the Japanese equivalents of Rossi's shipping 


 This company - Miura - has over 6000 employees and will be producing the Clean 
Planet device, which is a "boiler" that can supply heat or eventually: 

They call the operative technology "Quantum hydrogen" which is hard to 
distinguish from the Mills effect or the Holmlid effect. 

It is not hard to imagine this device being engineered by Mitsubishi into an 
automotive power supply
Elon - are you listening?

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